One of my worst experiences with a sound engineer!!!

Thats impossible!
In that case, even if i give you Metallica's rig and sound crew, u will still prolly sound like sh$t!

To you and micman mikeman whatever that chaps name is.........grow up. Ull see wat i mean unless u are easily satisfied. :) As i said nimwit, unless the guys are from your CREW , they are worthless....they can only do so much.....Metallica has their own crew. lovelovelovelove why do i even bother with ur amatuer ass. Go on...lovelovelovelovelove, i bet u never even did a tour internationally to understand wat ur own crew means. But remember...i love u haha
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I have seen best and i have seen worst....

See...the best...
1) takes joy and pleasure serving without judging the band/artist...
2) They humble themselves and make the crapiest band sound good....thats why they are the best.
3) They GIVE!! and deliver!

Now, as a musician you must know what you want...even the best can't help you if you dont.
If your gear is noisy then do something to remedy that.. rather than expecting the sound guy to magically vanish your noise.
"Be of good cheer" as they say....learn to smile and don't act like a bi*ch coz you might get smacked around like one.
If you don't know ...ASK !!!

btw...think abt your own act before you talk about others.

have you even been reading? the musicians were POLITE. nobody invited aggression. and the issue wasn't about good sound / bad sound!

Encountered a few gigs where LKS provided equipments before.. Don't really know who keith is, cuz he kinda dao'ed my e-mail asking for quatation, and i can't recall speaking to a short bespectacled sound tech dude in any of the gigs..

but if i rmb correctly there's this sound tech call Daniel working for them.. he was quite cooperative and flexible during these gigs when I made multiple requests to adjust certain settings for my friends' bands sets as well as my own..

well, there was this gig held at oldschool not too long ago, i think timbre was complaining we were too loud, but Daniel offered to speak to the timbre management on behalf of us without us asking cause he claimed he knew them.. kinda impressed by his service.

as for keith.. no impression cept for well, he dao'ed my e-mail enquiries.. i just engaged luther's services after that incident. :twisted:
Hi TS,
I personally know keith and i can vouch for him that he's not that kind of person. been knowing him even since he started into this business.... guess it's more then 10 years now.
anyway, i haven't got time to talk to him as i'm based in oversea right now and would love to find out both side of story.
regarding all the sound equipments request and stuff, aren't you suppose to arrange everything you needed before the events? I mean if you really think you wanted a great set/sounds, doesn't means you need to go on site to look at the venues, decide what you want and request.
I remember he did this events for the longest time but the lack of equipments on the events is usually caused by organisers pushing the prices way way low... (i'm talking about $200-$400) for the whole setup.
well anyway, i guess there must be some mis-communication somewhere somehow.
my recommandation for bands is to get your own sound tech.... bring your own sound equipment if you think you really need it "especially if you're playing in a events where it's like a festival and you didn't arrange with the organiser on equipments and stuff".
again, i'm not saying whose right and whose wrong... most of the time in internet forums, the people who are more active in the forums always sounds that they're right, :)

Let's improve the place by having constructive post like "how can we avoid things like that to happen again" . :) peace to all.

I'm a old school guy, after listen to side A of the tape, I like to turn it over and listen to side B now. would try find out what actually happen after i'm back from oversea as i'll stopover sg for a few days. :)

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