One of e most brutal videos!

Not bad, seems like blackened death or something along those lines. The video is weirdly addictive though, I keep hoping to see more 'faces of death' scenes. Intro was great.
there was a time when i played slayer records in my room. My parents freaked out when they heard 666 number of the beast and They thought that was bad. Wait till they see this vid..

Now that i'm a father, i guess if my kids was into this kinda of music, i would be slightly worried too...

Music has indeed changed. More dark & morbid. I guess its how it works today and the kids today totally dig it.
exposed the kids earlier to these sorta thing and eduate them alng the way between music genre and the image that goes with it, so that in years to come, when their peers are listening to it, they would have heard it years back and no longer see it as something different from the rest of the music.

Mentally, they are already numb to such thing and psychologically, its no longer a teenage rebellion or 'oh my god i am so kvlt tr00est" coz i appreciate such music where most doesnt