One Multi Effect


New member
Hi Softies! Im actually a bassist, but im hoping to pickup guitar after my O's. I also really really gasing for boss ME multi effects, so i was wondering, can u use a guitar multi effect pedal for bass and vice versa, or do i need to get 2 seperate multi effect units? I owned a zoom b9.1ut once, wasnt my cup of tea :P but i watched videos of boss me videos online (me70 me50b) they looked really simple and user friendly, somemore the me70 has a looper option! so the options are

1: Get Me70 for both guitar and bass
2: Get me50b for both guitar and bass
3: Get both me 70 and me50b
4: get different pedals

So hope you guys can give me some input :D Thanks! Cheers
Line 6's Pod X3 and Pod X3 Live were built for both bass and electric guitar. A used one goes for around $300 now, so better snap it up!
Haha i dont think the line 6 pods are for me, i had a zoom b9.1ut once, not really my type with all the tweaking, i prefer a more 'in ur face' and analogue pedal, more of boss pedals :P
Haha i dont think the line 6 pods are for me, i had a zoom b9.1ut once, not really my type with all the tweaking, i prefer a more 'in ur face' and analogue pedal, more of boss pedals :P

Then why start a thread on multi-effects? The Boss/Zoom/Line 6/Digitech multi-effects aren't plug and play; they require you to sit down, understand the unit and come up with your patches at home mostly rather than on the spot with the band.

I think it's more to do with the last part of your response. You just want a Boss pedal. It doesn't matter whether the Zoom/Line6 are equally user-friendly or unfriendly, you simply want a Boss MFX.
Then why start a thread on multi-effects? The Boss/Zoom/Line 6/Digitech multi-effects aren't plug and play; they require you to sit down, understand the unit and come up with your patches at home mostly rather than on the spot with the band.

I think it's more to do with the last part of your response. You just want a Boss pedal. It doesn't matter whether the Zoom/Line6 are equally user-friendly or unfriendly, you simply want a Boss MFX.

Haha yeah kinda, so just asking around for opinions of boss me70 and me 50b ^^ Well, maybe i forgot to add im not looking for such a complicated pedal :P Just something simple haha! Sorry was kinda blurr when making this thread
It's cool, let's keep things cordial yeah? Just one thought i'd like to share: technically you can use any electric guitar pedal for bass, just keep in mind that the EQ section for an electric mfx is tailored for electric, so the mid control becomes the treble control, the bass control becomes the upper mids. I personally dial down treble when I use electric pedals for bass because the attack and "snappiness" becomes too pronounced.