OM: Theme From Top Gun

hahaha this was one of the first songs i tried to leaarn. managed to get the intro done fine but then gave up after that.

nice this sounds exactly the same, if i was to listen i probably couldnt tell the diff. for the first half anyway

damn fine work, son.
nice stuff as usual man !!

marvellous rendition of the satriani song man.
keep it comin man !

btw.. f'in nice tone during the solo part. love it . the harmonics and all. haisay . orgasmic !

wat u used on this recording btw ?
Yup..Steve Stevens is the guitar player. Used to be in Billy Idols band.

First time I ever heard anyone attribute it to Satch but it's often attributed to EVH
haha finally can download already...damn megaupload seldom works for me..
anyway that is some top gun playing lah! :prayer: :prayer: :prayer: :prayer: :prayer: :prayer: