OM: Return To Paradise.

out of curiousity ah, shreddy boy~ I noticed you always suggest to people to try somethin' out of the ordinary, different, out of the box and stuff... I'm just wonderin' why you do that?
well, first, I want to hear how people approach alien generes. It can be refreshing. I mean, funk is funk, but mix in some cool, blues rock, hard hitting riffing, funk rock? Something a little less ordinary/common. Thats 1 big reason I love to hear how ppl do a different genre. It might not be funk funk, but its something different.

2nd, I find that no one tries to stand out but always emulate. This is my opinion though. I hold originality in very high regard... so yeah... that would be why I love to urge ppl to do different things. Oh, but emulation can be good in the sense of classical musicians.

And yes, please don't take this as some high and mighty kind of speech. Its just one man's opinion on how things should be done.
triphopbob said:
Nice tune :)

IMO, I do agree the delay's a tat too much...Some of the nice following phrases had been "crossed over" by the decay of the delay from the previous phrases.

btw, did you record direct from the GT?


Yes, the delay's a mess, isn't it? Too strong. I admit the prep work certainly was missing, Not only did I record straight from the GT, I recorded straight without tweaking the default effect. Can you believe how lazy I am? LOL
I like it. It gives me the feeling that I'm gliding through the air and everything around me is in slow motion whoozing past... haha if you know what I mean.
My only complaint would be it gets a bit lengthy on the same chords, maybe can throw in a new chord progression to bring it somewhere else. (The same chord progression keeps on repeating, right? Correct me if I'm wrong)

Ippier, yes chord progression gets boring after a while. The truth is that I was watching the telly and the wifey was playing these chords on the keyboard, it caught my attention and I immediately asked her to note down those chords. It's just a simple, simple composition, nothing too serious...


wow, its realli a nice piece to mi. but dun mind, is this piece completed?
or u will add on to it. i just feel that u might not wan to introduce the main idea to the ending part, as i find it not that complete even though thee's a fade off.
or mayb u still wan to use the main idea for the ending part but maybe twist around abit.
that's my own personal take.haha... im a beginner man. however i remember my poly lecture always like to listen to students comments, i was train this way in poly.gee
Re: hi

Ken, you're right on the money that the main idea, as you call it, sounded weird when reintroduced at the end. It's just not the time for it yet, I feel.

But I didn't really give it a second hoot since it was just a rough composition.

Thanks for your comments; appreciate it.

yep sure...
im glad i help... do remember to post the final wan man...
many of us are interested with this piece.
it evokes emotions.
when i heard this song all i can say is erm, how would i put it? that u succeeded in reaching into yourself to find the music. just simply awesome man.
Hmm...let's just say I had some idea as to how I wanted the feel to be, but it was really just a experimental, jam thing for me over a repititive chord progression...glad you liked it!