The songs are nicely constructed and you guys have the main idea.
However, like someone said, i can't remember who, and i'm not scrolling back just to check haha, the guitar intonation is slightly off. In fact, all the instruments that need tuning are pitched noticeably differently, and this probably confuses the singer, who's carrying the main melody. The singer has a tendency to dip in pitch, making him sound a little tired. Pitch weirdness is excusable in fast music at points because it just sounds like a little sub-chromatic movement, but you guys have powerful lines and long notes that will become all the more powerful with some pitch tweaking.
Frankly speaking, only musicians can tell that you have the idea, and know what you're trying to do. Non-musicians, who make up most of the market, will find it less powerful than it should appear, because it sounds "nice" but it's not "wow" but they don't really know the reason why. You guys are good musicians, and i thought your performance at flow was ok, but I have the same comments about that.
Be very mindful of your music, don't get on stage and just play it like you practiced, because it's a different ball game, different climate, different room pressure, different temperature, everything matters, and the slightest awareness of these things can take your music to the next level. Ask a good saxophone or any wind player. They never pitch the same way in two different conditions. The singer is a wind player in his own right, so you have to really be very careful of your pitching.
I'd say that the tracks are almost there, but to STAY on the radio, the devil really is in the details.