OM: nail scarred hands

neh mind. u can always attempt a conspiratorial getaway a la Prison Break.

If not, RR will come visit u with yo fav cd collection. :P
b4 TeeBee:


after TeeBee:


i'm spamming my own thread! is it legal?

btw, the next track we're working on is also smthg i wrote, called Butterfly Gal. Shld b out soon so puh-leeeese stay tuned n tens 4 all the kind support...

hahaha...jeff's good, ain't he? i veri blessed 2 hv such a gd guitarist s neber. but the thing is, we all hv our own respective strengths so just focus on what u r best at, DD n i m sure u'll :arrow: far!

Try my best lah ... doing it for a living and doing it for the passion is two different things. Doing it out of passion as a hobbyist is not as pressurizing, but when you carve out a career in that, you are constantly under massive pressure to perform up to mark. But we all have our bad hair day ... so it can't always be 100%. :?

So u play in a band or should i say sing in a band?

P.S. great job on the vocals for "nail scarred hands"

Do u have more of the lovely vocals?
thks Zoom Zoom! i dun really hv my own band. i sing mainly 4 functions - yes, i AM the wedding singer. :lol:

nail scarred hands was e 1st recording i've tried. mo 2 come i guess after such kind n encouraging feedback from u guys, heh. m now working on smthg for the SOFT competition. u taking part? :smt045