om: my retard rhythmn playing


New member
alo! alo! guys and gals, i have been contemplating whether to post this hear because it is embarrassing as there is no lead guitars. just rhythmn. but then, i thought u guys can use this as backing tracks to practice your soloing! hahhhhahaha! like someone i know! hehhhhh... pls have a listen and comments are very, very much appreciated.

note: in case anyone is interested, i used a maple neck strat fitted with texas special at the bridge. efx was an original crybaby wah and a boss ph2.
Hi echo, nice track. Very funky, like your previous recording. Doesn't matter if there's no lead. You can always lay something on top of this later. :) Good clean recording, liking the changes...think this will make an interesting backing! The only thing I would do is lower the volume of the wah track just a tiny bit, or soften it with delay, or pan it more to the right? Maybe my right ear is just a little damaged lol

Nice job overall!
Nice control of your wah. =/ Im using original also, but not as good as u man :( I s^^k at wah. sigh
hey, hey, hey...

thnx for the comments,

i agree with u zone, need to lower the vol of the wah track, its a little too loud. nothing wrong with ur right ear! hehehhhe... something wrong with my ear while mixing it actually!

and newbie, i'm not that good, some other guy might be laughing their head off after listening. really... i'll give u pointers if u liked what i did tho: i actually play the wah in-synch with the rhythmn of the track. but i dun control the pedal up-down all the way. i vary it. sometimes halfway, sometimes less, and sometimes full, to give accents... u try.

thanks guys for taking the time to listen. and thanks for the nice words...