OM: Amanda Tee - 2 New Originals

Hey heard turbulence, the chord voicings for the chorus part sound really nice, can share? :p you sound somewhat like ani defranco hehehe
You should really record the acoustic guitar properly, don't use the piezo la..
Heyo Amanda, hope that all is well with you. The song's are ok. You've got a lot of potential. BUT you really need to take things up a few notches.

May I humbly suggest that you play the guitar like a guitarist - cos' you're good enough. And also sing like a singer.

Right now you are singing and playing like a singer-guitarist. And I think it's limiting you. And we've seen lots of people like that. Given that age and talent are on your side, you can and really should try to reach for higher standards.

You'll reach new highs if you saw yourself differently and used your talents differently.

I believe that the end-result will be world's apart from what you've been doing all this while.

I feel that you could pronounce your words a lil clearer, but they are nice tunes! 8)

keep it up!
Hey guys! Sorry it took me a while to reply.

Daryl: thanks! :)

Cloudsky & Colleen & lppier: Okay I'll post the tab below!

lppier: Ani Difranco? Hahaha I love her music. One of my biggest influences in fact. But her music's way better than mine lah. ;) I'd love to record the real acoustic guitar sound, but I was afraid it'd be a little noisy, or too trebly. EQ's not working on my software. Yep.

RoRK: Hey, hope you're doing fine too. Thanks for the tips, and I'll see what I can do about it.

bam: Hey thanks! Will try to improve on articulation.
Okay one bad habit of mine's that I always use open E chords. Most of my songs are like that. Sounds nicer, fuller to me.

Verse: E

    A   B   C#m D#m E 

There you go. :)
nice song writing!
I feel there is room for improvement in the vocals section,yet overall its very very nice! Keep making great songs!