OM: Marshian love secret

very spacey kinda of feel. good phrasing there too. you might want to consider shortening it a little cause imho it gets a little draggy cause there is no melody line
There are 2 intended melody lines which come at 0:16 and 1:36...apart from thiose...its actually a conversation between me and muh 2 its happy at times sad at times,,,even violent sometimes...well atleast thats what i tried....anything u liked:D :oops: ??
Ha, Soundclick pwns you. Still not cleared. Meh, lacked direction and some of the shred added nothing to it, however good melody and obviously you have a fair amount of talent. Overall I liked it, good job.
ermm wait?
not bad very experimental.. but some parts of the leads do not go well with the chords, i dont know if you intended it that way
Ermm i feel that there should be more variations of melody, hearing the same melody over and over again can get abit dry.. even though its nice lah. The pitch shifter effect (?) made it quite messy.

btw whats yours equipments? how did you create the backing track?
and if your have the time. pls check out my "stupid song"
hmm ok...i tried not to repeat myself too much...guess it didnt work out....well some of the notes were out of key...but thats how i intended it....cos this whole song is a conversation....and i have played out each for the whammy part...i personally liked it a lot:)....i use a digitech rp200....for backing i used the FL4
STEVE VAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... i like it alot.. one thing to take note though... if you pitch up or down.. its good to make sure it hits the note at the right timing.. den SUI! rock on my steve vai brudda \m/
PS.dhalif just wanna know,...which part of the song were u referring to when u said about the correct note for pitch shifting:D....i used the pitch shifter n a lotta places
the whammy phrases mate.. its not all though.. just that i heard a few came in really late... but its still good experimental music man...
Thanks still water:D...

Dhalif im sorry for being such a eager beaver but i just wanna gain knowledge....did u mean the part from 3:12 to 3:36...cos all those were intentional :oops: ..a particularly nasty part of the conversation i was trying to portray....if anything else than i guess i will have to give it a careful listern and improve:D:D but thanks for ur feedback
Eh not bad aah!Need some improvement though.Got one part,ur solo doesn't blend in well with ur bending!The arpeggios seems to fit in quite nicely.overall i would say, a very brave attempt!Well done bradder! :goodman: