OM: LGF on YouTube!


Active member
We, LGFers, have begun to moooove with the times and put our songs on YouTube!

It be original Mandarin pop rock. Check us out yah! :D

NOt bad but my suggestion is try to mix a "Chinese Pentatonic Melodies" and Pop/Rock/Alternative.. to make songs im pretty sure that would be great..try to kill off "too much technical" on beats.. make it simpler yet melodic.. those are qualities people out there been looking forward to hear from Pop/ALternative groups! e.g listen to song entitled Gravity by Embrace.. its has super dooper boring monotonous beat BUT the melody is a killer... :)
ah.. i juz love them.. haha.. ispiring man.. got one of e album kero kero or something.. yes. i always show off tt i got that album :D anyway i love that song "Awaken" .. very lgf style
Thanks all for the kind words and suggestions.

We'll keep improving and put up better performances each time :D :supz:

Woah that was done like eons ago! When I listen to it now, I'll cringe one ley :lol: