OM: Instru-Metal


New member
Hey guys something for u all to listen once again.

My mediocre attempt at doing some "shredding", and using harmony and lotsa little stuff. Fortunately this time rd there's no singing :)

This track was conceptualized ard august and i did a take then. But re-recorded it today to make it sound clearer, tho it still sound like a mess at some parts.

Let the comments fly! Anything u wanna say/critique/flame/compliment/whatever.
not bad not bad..
speehless.. 8O
was that a backing track or you playing as a band?
coz the double pedals together with your playing was a blast...
*thumbs up* :D
i think the drums is use some drum machine.. haha

anyway nice playing, quite melodic, although some parts your guitar playing dont seem to cut thru the double pedaling
using your roland 30 again?
Hey guys thanks for all the comments!

bam: haha power metal melodic metal whatever la. All the same to me. *** metal = metal. Er..

psionic: yea kinda iron maiden-ish. Quite a big influence for me. Somehow the tune sounded like wasted years.

anep: Sorry but i dun have a band. Everything's recorded by me. Track by track. Drums are programmed using Guitar Pro. Yea gotta tab out note for note. Alittle drum knowledge here is helpful i guess.

hifi-killer: like mentioned above, Guitar Pro is my best friend haha. Yea i agree tt it doesnt cut thru at some parts. Which im still finding the answer to it. Either the bass drum has to soften, or something else. Shrug. Gotta tweak ard again. And yup, using my roland 30 again. Using 2 of the highest gain modellers this time ard. How's the tone?
Haha it has to be better! Cos the previous one was recorded using a Korg Ax100g lined in direct to the comp. Din have my amp ard then. Yea, coupled with a crap adaptor bought from the local electrical shop + strat's infamous 60 hum cycle, u can imagine the amt of noise tt previous one had. The noise could be cut away, but most of the tone went with it too.
I've been trying to DL the song for the past few hours but to no avail. as sson as I click on the link or even right click, it just gives me an error msg. > the dreaded sound and nothing happens.

Is there an alternative site?

Sorry, but it would be nice ot hear your stuff.
Oh tt's dreadful to hear. Umm i think it's either the soundclick site tt's screwed up, or maybe u have a popup blocker from ur comp. U can't dl the song anyways, it's supposed to stream in a popup player.

Nvm i've uploaded it on yousendit. Now u can sample my music :D

Anyways for the rest of the songs u can always go to But u might bump into the same problems again. My gut feeling is the popup blocker. Otherwise it shld be cool.
wow, powerful man. i think with some words thrown in, it might just complete the song. :wink:
Kind words from u James, but im neither lyrically nor vocally competent. Not tt im saying tt im musically competent, but yea u get what i mean la.
Whew! Never thought that you were a metal-head! ;-) Nice stuff though.
A lot different from what's on your site. Variety is the spice of life, as they say.

Cheers Dude
kid_slacker: Haha, as mentioned above... it all means the same to me. I prefer not to get bounded too tightly by all the sub genres. Meaningless to me :)
yea...let ur ideas flow.dun constrict urself.its called creativity destruction.hahhaa.kudos!rock on dude!rilli.its a nice one.
Thanks for the kind comments. After listening a few more times i find tt the solo can still be improved. Some sloppy playing here and there, and some off pitch bends. Think i'll re-record again when time permits.