OM: Instru-Metal

thanks for the comments.
tho im really looking out for comments regarding the mixing on the track.
feel free to point out anything that u think sounds imbalanced, or inaudible, this and that.

comments on the playing, the composition side of the song is also greatly appreciated ;)
erm details?

what do u think shld be done to the mixing?

my ear is not tt good so i might not be able to discern certain things correctly.

good shit!

listening to you wanna be a star, strato sundance, standstill... real diversed man, i like it...thanks for sharing..
thanks alot dude!

Im just putting all the stupid sounds i hear in my head onto the guitar. Sometimes it's rock n roll like "You wanna be a star" sometimes pop like "Standstill" and sometimes just nonsense like the sundance.

How's Guan anyways? Still waiting for him to come record bass for me hahaz ^^
sorry for the late reply dude. anyway, im not good at saying wat to do or what. i usually just click here click there hehe. im not qualified to advice i guess. keep up the great work :)
haha u are too humble. Everyone is qualified to give comments ;)

u dun have to be a master chef to know the soup tastes bad.
thanks tequila tho i really dun think they are very polished yet.

Umm inspiration comes in many forms, like for example this track came about when i was staying in NUS hostel and one of the Rag performance had a somewhat similar themed song. Kinda like a "Good vs Evil" song. So yea the main riff just came to me (tho i think subconsciously Iron Maiden had a large effect) and everything part just got laid down one by one as the idea expands.

Humming tunes while in "toiling" in the toilet helps too haha.
lol. Most of the time I can't remember what I 'composed' while bathing or -toileting-. I think the singing needs some working on as do lyrics, but on the whole, i heard some of the stuff (especially You wanna be a star) and I think it's pretty good stuff. heh.
Haha the thing is, after i finish what's supposed to be done in the toilet, i rush to the guitar to play it out first. Clothes off sometimes ^^ haha.

Umm singing wise yea i know it's a big turn off. I can't sing tho i really wished i could. The singing is just there to give the idea of how the song goes, rather than just make a backing track + lyrics and let the listeners decide.

Lyrics wise, it's nonsense yea. I need help on that too. I'm a kopitiam ah beng la.

The only i think i'm relatively decent at is coming up with catchy riffs. But tt's it. Haha.

Really appreciate u bother to listen to the other stuff, cos usually pple get turned off when they listen to something with my singing. Probably have to move them down the playlist somemore.
Ah. I don't have much guitar skills so if i DO remember a melody line or funky riff, I spend more time trying to figure out which notes goes where that I usually stumble upon something else and decide to try it out instead. heh.


I read somewhere that Tanya Chua uses a tape recorder to record stuff she comes up with in the bathroom, and I've been considering doing something like that, but problem is, won't spoil meh. So humid.