actually, come to think of it, its just a style of music i enjoy listening to, and we write what we listen to, so yep, never had any real intention to break stereotypes and push the envelope, i mean, such heavy/metal christian music has been around for a bit now, just looking at bands like Pillar, Skillet, Kutless, Day of Fire, etc. i mean, we've even got christian hip hop, rap, electronica etc.
oh yah, just curious, what do you mean by the "angst doesn't go very well with the intention of the song? " cos my song has no angst in it, and no intention of angst either...unless u mean the heavy rhythm guitars are supposed to be portraying some kind of angst? if thats the case, then i guess it also shows again the stereotype folks have of heavy rock? i mean, its heavy, so it should be about anger, discrimination, political injustice, or a girlfriend from hell etc? heh.
but its exciting, i think i will continue to write along these lines, then who knows, maybe in time, heavy metal and hard rock will no longer be associated with anger and hate? time to inject some positive note into music...