OM: Cryin by jeremyrozario

what rig you using man.. anyway.. for bends.. issit the stray sounds you are getting when you are releasing the bend through the other open strings? i also have this problem.. what i try to do is press on the the string above the string you're bending and bend them as well.. haha.. dunno whether it works for you.. lol..

for the rest it's quite ok :) nt.
actually dont need to worry so much about the stray noise.

Its a nice attempt but can definitely be better with more epxression in the phasing.
not bad not bad. I'd prefer it with a little lesser reverb, then again it's a personal preference. good job all in all.

backing track :D
legato needs abit of work but hell i love the tone u got in the earlier part of the song. got a really romantic atmosphere going in my opinion. kudos.
i prefered your tone before it was switched to a much heavier distortion. I feel that you lacked feel in this song and some licks were pretty sloppy. Overall, it was alright. Just my honest opinion :)