OM : classic chinese ballad

:smt116 :smt116

but i'm just glad some actually like some of the stuff i come up with.

still trying to test water see exactly what types of music the pple in this forum subscribe to.

thus the different types of tracks i've done so far.
2 cents from a nobody:

you've got above average voice tone and technique.

But remember, the more you try to "implant" feel into vocals, the less sincere it'll sound. The average listener might be totally tone deaf, but they can hear "emotions", and tell what's "real". That is what separates great singers from good singers.

Then again, you can't learn "feel". It can only come with age, and a wide variety of life experiences. Having a really messed up life doesn't hurt either. So go out there and get in touch with your "senses".
But re-doing those old mandarin songs is really good idea. Bring back memories for the older guys, intro the good songs to the younger softies. Good on both ends.

Try a Faye Wong track next round? Or Rong Yi Shou Shang De Nyu Ren? Haha... :idea:
turbochicken said:
...render one without the vocals...

You so nice!

i noticed a lot of the words that sing in the song not sing as normal method.
singing method.
really very professional.
Also for the phrasing, i like this version's.

last time i don't like this song (that original one sing by Huan Ying Ying),
But don't know why,
I like this version very much.

BTW, just a personal view,
for the "hoo..." part at the end of the song,
does the following sounds better?

Vocal ...|----|1 ---|2-321-|
overcast: got you, on the "feel" part. thanks for the tip.

scream_ed: ha, i reckon we're about the same age? i like the oldies and classic stuff too, esp the not so famous ones. but i did a faye wong track some time ago (not very good; first try). how about teresa teng?
Ya, think one year difference. We've met before, 3 years ago. I was Butter's friend. Dunno if you still remember.

Haha, dun say oldies leh, feel like you talking about Englebert Humperdink. I like to listen to the 90s stuff. I always wanted to record a version of Lian Shang Yi Ge Ren (You Hongming). I love that song.Just haven't got down to doing it. Plus my singing not A grade, so.... Or Zhang Yu's Yong Xin Liang Ku...

Are those considered old? :lol: :? :x
wah, serious. refresh me, can? (as in, name, face, height, purpose of meet, outcome of meet LOL)

erm, vocals can edit edit edit edit until it sounds semi pro. for the songs you mentioned, we could collaborate if it's your cup of cake...(anytime, just pm me)

and no, those aren't old. they're evergreen. i like zhanyu's yongxinliangku too.

did you mean the parts where i "croaked" the words out, to emulate the very cham emotion?

i too think the huang ying ying's version doesn't justify the potential of this song.

as for the ending, i think it might do. :) but i'm thinking of taking it out. sounds abit outta place.

i'll render a Kversion soon. watch this space. :)
We met at your gig with Amber at Youth Park. We met to discuss some songwriting stuff. Ancient history liao...

Hey, if you guys looking for a power version of the song, look for Lin Zhixuan's version, in one of his early solo album. That is the version that hooked me to this song.
turbochicken said:

a classic chinese ballad.

my voice doesn't exactly suit this song, but i already programmed the drums, recorded the guitars and bass, so no choice :(

Hmm... your rendition of the song reminds me of ming ge cafe man. There's another nice song to try -> 野百合也有春天, (ye pai he yei you chun tian) the rockier version from yong bang.

You make me wanna pick up my acoustic and start jamming some chinese songs.

cheers, nice work man!

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