I was fooling around today with my jem floral today, I haven't been able to put her down since I got her back from Mark. For most of the day I was working on Km Pee Du Wee by Steve Vai but somehow I got lost a little and tried tweaking my gear to get the fabled BROWN SOUND.
The tone I was trying to get is more early DLR era Van Halen when he was using modified Marshall Plexis. I'm not much of a fan of his 5150 tones. Anyways I recorded it using some cheapo 13 dollar microphone which I use primarily for talking over the net to various women, and sometimes people who I think are women. That's a whole different matter altogether. So please excuse the crummy sound quality, it's just the humble mic straight into my pc sound card. Don't own any fancy interfaces or SM57s
I tried to keep the playing as raw as possible, nothing too fancy or over the top, the playing is more oriented to demonstrating the tone. Some rhythms which I felt were kinda Van Halen'ish. And some leads and things where you press the notes with the fingers on your right hand. Role Reversal!
Or more commonly known as Tapping.
I hope you like it, I almost woke up the neighbours.
This is my virgin attempt posting stuff here so please go easy on me.
Here it is.
Try to guess the gear.
I betcha' can't.
The tone I was trying to get is more early DLR era Van Halen when he was using modified Marshall Plexis. I'm not much of a fan of his 5150 tones. Anyways I recorded it using some cheapo 13 dollar microphone which I use primarily for talking over the net to various women, and sometimes people who I think are women. That's a whole different matter altogether. So please excuse the crummy sound quality, it's just the humble mic straight into my pc sound card. Don't own any fancy interfaces or SM57s

I tried to keep the playing as raw as possible, nothing too fancy or over the top, the playing is more oriented to demonstrating the tone. Some rhythms which I felt were kinda Van Halen'ish. And some leads and things where you press the notes with the fingers on your right hand. Role Reversal!
Or more commonly known as Tapping.
I hope you like it, I almost woke up the neighbours.
This is my virgin attempt posting stuff here so please go easy on me.
Here it is.
Try to guess the gear.

I betcha' can't.