OM: Aerith's Theme

u sure live up to ur standards eh?

i'm impressed :D

oh by the way , i heard what sounded like mistakes u made in a particular bar and u quickly trying to cover it up by playing the entire bar all over again to quickly cover the mess up????

am i right?

teraslasch, it must have been exciting doing your 1st recording! i remember being all thumbs, when i had a tape recorder in hand. it never sounded the same as when i didn't have that added pressure. something similar to stage fright?!! that's why it's always good to play in front of people.

in this piece, it might have been the above circumstances that made you sound restrained. perhaps it was also the slow tempo of the piece. it also came across like you were struggling a little with the reading of the notes. however, you are indeed a sensitive performer, and sensitivity is good!
he..hee... must practise a bit more before recording. i am sure you will be able to play than this.
don't be kang jiong spider...

just imagine ur recording device is ur critic...NEVER GIVE UR CRITICS A CHANCE TO BULLY U :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
haha.. yea.. i admit i screwed that part but quickly covered up.. but u'll NEVER GUESS THIS!! i used the disklavier to record this onto a diskette.. upload into my com.. put into sonar.. use my GPO piano .. add reverb... and .. lol.. added reverb to make it sound like it was recorded in a piano hall :p.. :lol:

haha.. i nv practice this piece, but i love it so i decided to record it . I played for a few times then i record.. haha.. i will do a much better job next time :p.. thx for ur comments ! .. i am gona record all the final fantasy pieces i've played and burn them into a cd :p..

yea.. and recording really makes me nervous.. somehow.. it really affects my sense of improvisation.. LOL.. if i dont hit the record button, it would sound much better.. but .. the moment i hit RECORD .. i get.. OMG.. lol.. then i start to make mistakes =/..
duskalways said:
teraslasch, it must have been exciting doing your 1st recording! i remember being all thumbs, when i had a tape recorder in hand. it never sounded the same as when i didn't have that added pressure. something similar to stage fright?!! that's why it's always good to play in front of people.

in this piece, it might have been the above circumstances that made you sound restrained. perhaps it was also the slow tempo of the piece. it also came across like you were struggling a little with the reading of the notes. however, you are indeed a sensitive performer, and sensitivity is good!

thats so true 8) ..

btw the melody is simple, it was i that tried to make it sound difficult.. lol.. ended up screwing one part.. towards the ending, its more of improvisation than the actual song.. forgive me :p..
teraslasch said:
yea.. and recording really makes me nervous.. somehow.. it really affects my sense of improvisation.. LOL.. if i dont hit the record button, it would sound much better.. but .. the moment i hit RECORD .. i get.. OMG.. lol.. then i start to make mistakes =/..
hahaha you know why i can empathize with you? i am like dat too!! :oops:
lol.. damn.. how do i get rid of it?!!!. lol.. i am able to play infront of my sis .. but not a damn machine?!!
having a thick skin helps! :smt019 play more in public. THAT always helps, but remember to bring along that thick hide! you might bungle the first time, and the next, but hey, the going gets better as your skin grows thicker, and of course lah, along the way, you will also become more professional! :smt029