OLP Stingray or Epiphone Thunderbird IV ???


New member
well I am just very curious which one people will prefer ???
Because from some webbie the kind of comment they give is abt the same for this 2 guitar which i am quite interested to buy. Can I have some comment from others ...lolz..
vanilla and chocolate question. no better just different. that being said, i'd recommend an ibanez ATK over an OLP any day.

what sort of music do you intend to play?
I play more on rock... because for guitar i will look at the outlook as well. For Ibanez guitar I dun really like the design actually but I do know that it is not bad.
deathblaze said:
i'd choose stingray...
but the olp one is not really the same as a mm one...
more like a sub than a stingray...

Can buy the olp and swap out the electronics/pups... I know someone who deals in Nordy 'ray pups ;)
try both of em dude...see which one you prefer...dont take any chances when you're buying bass...
make sure you like em and then you grab em...otherwise you'll feel sorry :wink:
+1 to trying both of them out.

One man's meat is another man's poison. What other people deem as killer sound may be sonic sludge in your own opinion, so it's best that you take a listen to both.

Only when you hear both basses for yourself, can you make an educated judgement. After all, it's YOUR tone, right? The advice that everyone else gives is subjective to their personal liking.
if this is a serious consideration, i'd rather you save up for a Music Man SUB bass...

Am waiting for the Musicman Sub1 Sterling bass to reach our shores. This would be a nice bass to complement the one i have now,...
hmm ... yea !

hello bro sub ! hows it going ? any word out on the sterling ? its been quite a while since it was launched but davis dosent seem to want to bring it in unless someone orders it.