Oliver Stone's World Trade Center Movie

detroit_red said:
God, enough with 911 already ... It's so last 5 years ...

Did you ever watch the news then?

Anyway, I think the movie serve to remind us this.

"All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing" - Martin Luther.
Paperback said:
courage... hope... brotherhood... faith..

all these qualities could be applied to the Islamic Jihadists too...depending on how you look at it.
Always 2 sides to a coin.
You reap what you sow.

When your backside's itchy and you need to show the entire world who the Man is, you teach a bunch of fundamentalists how to engage in guerilla warfare and urban combat. All just because you have issues with the leader of the country at that point in time. After the militant group becomes last season, you ditch them like last year's Armani's collection.

Then the group becomes bitter and blow up your financial institutions.

You strike back but can't find them.

5 years, you decide "What the hell?". Let's make a movie about it anyway and make money outta it!

Lifehouse said:
"All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing" - Martin Luther.

Martin Luther didnt said that.....its attributed to Edmund Burke and its supposed to be "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
America armed Saddam with the latest weapons to murder numerous Iranians during the Iran Iraq war ... I think that's very evil, getting men to do your dirty work for you ...

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