Official Stasis 10: Curtain Call Thread

For those who dun already know, Soulalt is Kevin Matthews, a veteran in the local music scene.

Really looking forward to meet you Kevin. :)
Aight guys a better way to plan for the new year: The band timeslots are now out!!

Stasis 10 band lineup

2.15 - 3.00 - You and whose army
3.00 - 3.45 - Ivy's Vendetta
3.45 - 4.30 - Peepshow
4.30 - 5.15 - Fishtank
5.15 - 6.00 - Leeson
6.00 - 6.45 - Vertical Rush
6.45 - 7.30 - Amateur Takes Control
7.30 - 8.15 - B-quartet
8.15 - 9.00 - Great Spy Experiment
9.00 - 9.45 - Plain Sunset
9.45 - 10.30 - Freefallers
Great line-up! anyway, just a heads up.. if you guys are into Radiohead, Mansun, Portishead, Mew, Sigur Ros, Luna Sea, Bloc Party and the like.. do stay for the last band! =)
stasis 10

Cheers to the NUS OMS guys organising such a great show.

for those effects lovers, be sure to turn up for the Ebenex Music vouchers. we've issued a whole lot of them which will be given out throughout the day. the largest denomination is $100 = $100 off anything you see in our shop if you get that.

see you all there!
be sure to turn up for the Ebenex Music vouchers ... ... the largest denomination is $100 = $100 off anything you see in our shop ...

WAH . LAU . EH . How I wish those vouchers are for Nikon DSLR stuff...

*off-topic day dreaming* ;P

Boy will some musicians be real happy this saturday.
Hello all,

Thanks for coming down for Stasis10! You and Whose Army? was honoured to uh, kick off the uh, beginning of the end. Ha ha. Sorry for screwing up some songs, I felt very off-form even before the gig began =| I know this sounds oxymoronic, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless.

And we hope you enjoyed Stasis10 as much as we did.

Keep supporting local music!

B-Quartet!!! \m/
ivanified - Dude you ROCK lah!

I was really really happy with how Stasis 10 went.. Mega-thanks to everyone who came down be shared the moment with us..

Me = Photoshopping my batch of pics now. Photos up SOON!

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