Re: ..
rottenramone said:
bottomline being : until the actual people involved in the transaction issue actually clarify it, this maybe some huge cookup to stir controversy
case in point 1 : hardwarezone forums
one dude from a competing mobile phone shop well known for imported phone s from other countries, models not approved by IDA but brought in anyway, accused another company which recently entered it's "turf" by saying that they recycled used phones gave them cosmetic touchups and cleaned up the memory and resold them as new phones.
story found to be fradulent. both dealers banned from hardwarezone.
case in point 2 : (also) at hardwarezone forums
details unknown but it ended up in a lawsuit which lead to the offended party apologising in public/ splashed across other sub-forums
case in point 3: @ hwzone forum
person created multiple accounts , all accounts seem to offer biased views towards a main account, encouraging people and misleading people to belief that this guy is a reliable and honest seller of a hifi set and some other AV equipment
exposed as an attempt to self promote and mis-used multiple accounts. mod takes action and bans the IP from creating account at hwardwarezone.
so you see , things can never merely be taken at a surface level.
i know i m possibly wrong on this, and i apologise for any offense taken but we cannot simply discount that possibility. what went on at the point of sale between evangion and the dealer guy. we dont know. we dont even know if the transaction truly took place.
all we have here is just a couple of words and posts. so it would not be fair to make judgements and pass comments on the entire issue and to keep pressing for the dealer to be revealed.
more concrete proof , e.g scanned copy of reciept , dealer's own account is needed.
we cant just post here and say : look , this guy is in the wrong , lets reveal him and boycott him. it simply isnt right. there is the possibilty that the whole thing was a set-up to hurt someone's reputation.