odd groupings


New member
hey guys, been awhile since i've posted on the tech page.
okie fusion music, wat the hell is it?
i've been doing alot of tech prac lately and have been doing some odd time stuff, for instance 5 in 4 and 7 in 4. esp doing strokes, like 16ths to triplets to 5's then to 7's.
any of u do stuff like tht? odd grouping?
does this help u get laid?
YO!! I use tons of it! Have been working on odd grouping from a couple of years now....it does create really interesting phrases and really improves your ability to feel the main pulses.
really??!!! yah they are freaking awesome. i do abt an hr or two aday of them. how gd is the hand/foot combi in 5. screws with ur mind.
i'm gonna hit some metric modulation next week and see how my classmates laugh at me.
i'm trying to get tht hand/foot combi with sextuplets, i'm at like 50bpm's at the moment but it's getting there, i really want to do tht wall of sound effect man.
gd to hear from u dude
haha..ya. Left foot on crotchets and right foot accents right? Wait til you play quintuplets and septuplets over left foot quavers!!!
no lah dude, i'm not tht siao. play quaters i happy already. i asked my lec when i wld use all these odd grpings, he said when u wanna lose a gig hahaha.

odd grping is just play 5 or 7 or how many other notes in a quater note.
No lah...how can your lecturer say that? He is saying that in a pop context is it? In my opinion you can use it anywhere quite musically if you can learn to resolve the phrases at any point in the bar. In a pop context I would play those phrases for only a bar max depending on the tempo. Sometimes I would resolve it after 2-3 crotchets. In a jazz ontext, depending on the amount of intensity suggested by the soloist....I may have room to drag for 2 to 4 bars...I've worked on this with Darren Farrugia, Dave Beck, Graham Morgan and they're like the hottest sessionist in Australia...they all use odd phrases all the time...I don't see them losing gigs...
he was kidding....well half kidding anyway. hmm u need to show me in wat context u can use them. its gonna take me forever to freaking get all this shit down. will be back in june, will look u up then. i was thinking abt using 5's or 7's on the hi hat for maybe 2 bars or something like a rhythm kinda thing. mix it up abit.
oh alvin check out this mth's modern drummer man, there's this seriously sick vinnie transcription of 20lb pizza. check out this thing were he brings the rhythm back a 16th note every bar, it screws ur mind over.
I used them both in fills, accenting passages and in grooves. It won't take you forever cos once you get one of them down...lets say 5s...you would've developed some skills to hear odd groupings better. You will learn new groupings faster as you go on.....VINNIE!!! I'm going to borders now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!