o levels

wha piang i feel so inferior....

all of u all come from all those schools of higher intelligence

for my school this is wad happens when all the smart people from the christian brother primary schools get snapped up by SJI after their PSLE and thus leaving the scraps to my school :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

i was already very happy wif my results , L1 R5 20 points den suddenly a lot of people who posted their results on this forum thread had lower points than me... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

CJC!?!? i was from st mich's pri..but after dat..went to VS..cus all the nasty bulies in the pri sch went to sji..haha..then after dat..my alliance was with vjc..lol..
Re: hehe

Elvin-Seraphim said:
CJC!?!? i was from st mich's pri..but after dat..went to VS..cus all the nasty bulies in the pri sch went to sji..haha..then after dat..my alliance was with vjc..lol..

eh i from saint patricks!!!!

lol aint that worst?! whahahaahahahhahhha
Dun say until like that lar... where got bully come sji.... wah lau.... i also from micks leh... probably was p6 when doubleblade was a cute p2 or 3
Re: wad the hell

Elvin-Seraphim said:
lol O levels is antidiluvian man..enjoy ur 1st 3 months man...it's the best time to get a buddy...haha..

alamak dun tell me u were friendless in secondary school???? lol jk jk :P
Jayshen said:
Dun say until like that lar... where got bully come sji.... wah lau.... i also from micks leh... probably was p6 when doubleblade was a cute p2 or 3

to tell u the truth , there's no difference in the type of students they have between st pats and SJI.i use to think that all SJI people are nerds but den as time progressed , i began to think dat SJI guys are no different from st pats guys.i've found out from my SJI fren that sometimes even SJI guys are equally as capable of creating shit in the classroom....

it's all about generalisation.juz because u have some bullies in st mikes who go to SJI does not mean they would remain a bully for their entire secondary school life rite?

to share wif u my experience , i use to fear this guy called Ong Wu Yuan in primary school.he hated my guts and neither did i i admit dat i was sort of a "emotional person" in pri 5 and 6.in pri 5 he accused me of scratching his Backstreet Boys CD so he demanded i pay him the cost of the album.obviously in p5 i was damn freaking scared lah...but in the end i dunno wad happened to the entire situation.all dat i know is dat son of a bitch scratch my Backstreet Boys album which was the latest album at dat time as compared to his album which he accused me of scratching it....

so yeah time passed and he went to SJI and i went to st pats.
when i was in sec 2 , my fren who was his classmate in SJI told me he was so freaking shy when meeting girls blar blar blar...no balls kinda person when talking to a girl.den i told my other fren who so happened to know him as well.my fren told Ong Wu Yuan and dat fella threaten to beat me up blar blar blar.
a sudden twist of fate came when i met him while crossing the road to Heeran from orchard cine.dat fella juz approached me and pull my uniform collar right in front of everyone who was outside Heeran and i obviously was damn pissed.den later he found dat my frens were looking for him because he wanted to beat me up in public which obviously made him pee in his pants and run away as soon as possible

ever since dat i have been finding the most stupid excuses to threaten him on the phone whenever i feel like it since i had his number since primary school.

another occasion would be dat a few months after dat incident , my frens who knew wad happened to me saw him at the national stadium and again find trouble wif him and a fight also escalated between him and my fren.so yeah on the same day i called him to threaten him wif false threats.i guess i found it extremely fun to threat him on the phone and hearing his "i wanna crap in my pants now" reply....

i've not heard of him for almost 2 years already and my SJI fren told me dat he has since become a GOOD BOY in school already.everytime when i meet my SJI fren on the streets and i always tell him to pass a message to that Ong Wu Yuan and again that fella would crap in his pants....

so i guess now the tables have turned...the hunter becomes the hunted

get my point Elvin? oh btw , that was last time lah , i'm a changed person now after going thru a lot of stuff in my life.... :lol: