No guitar? Get iphone! (that's if you're darn rich)

similarly, theres program on the ds lite which can do drum, piano, geetar and stuff. One of the geetar program can also add in delay, chorus, flanger, distortion to it. Quirky fun..

Guess as long its a touch screen, those programmer can do up something that utilised the touch function
on handphone, iam not sure

on ds lite, you need that "card" which is rising crazily in prices round the island due to recent raid and "homebrew" instrument available over the net...
im not filthy rich.
but the phone is awesome. it really sucks we cant get any proper sales/service support around here. regardless...

THE guitar APP rocks la... i happened to update installer today and got this app ..tried it out and was desperately trying to play "love will keep us alive - eagles" on it...

----> ive been impressing my colleagues with ZOMBIE for now.
well...i bought for my gf a ds lite and installed a game called Jam is a guitar sim...u jsut use the stylus and strum away..can have delay,chorus,distortion, u just need to press the different directional arrows to change chords...u cna even do different chords..those who have ds lite and have the R4 me...i can send u the game..:mrgreen:

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