
morning to u fellow softies..

Just woke up from a bad nightmare....

Have u guys experience this before
like u know you in a dream u force yourself to wake up
yet everytime u wake up is always ended up as dream
and you dont know which is reality which is not..
And there certain part your hold body cant move yet you can hear and see what u saw..

One thing weird i dream about this house that i went in my dream
which i never been there before in my life
i hook up the net and to realise that house really exist..
Hmmm weird

i get it all the time ... It's like premonition ....
i just had the most wonderful dream a few nights ago.
i dreamt i had a lot of money, went out to shops and bought all the guitars i fancy. and there was this 'ashlee simpson' guitar shaped like an sg but smaller. and a green strat. and this:

a red Ibanez RG550XX!
whoa gassing..... ibanez.. beautiful...

then, my alarm clock rang. it was time to eat before dawn. argh.

woke up and found out that the guitar existed.
anyone ever get dreams that you will often witness soon after in reality? somewhat like dejavu. its been happenning to me rather often. getting often by the week. how ah? =\

Buy Toto lor. :D

I once had a dream during one of my exams in which I realised I was dreaming. I was just wandering around the place when I realised I had reached my school and in my dream logic I thought, "Okay, I gotta revise for my exams." So in my dream I actually sat down at my dream school canteen and went through my dream notes. The weird thing is when I woke up I actually remembered everything quite freshly. Freaky huh?