newspaper article : girls playing guitar


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ryt,so i found this article in the straits times "IN" which is a special edition for schools. The title is " Daisy - Head rockers"

i dunnoe wad to think of this so anways here it goes ... (im jus gonna type out some quotes)

"its no longer a boy's game....girls are picking up pop guitar and taking a front stage and this brand is made for them" says a girl on the daisy rock guitars.

"they are specially designed to make them easier for women to handle"

"having a pretty guitar is important.If you see an ugly one,you wont want to touch it" says another girl refering to her daisy rock guitar.....

"sec 1 student is taking lessons to play one after deciphering its brand from a lindsay lohan album cover"

"the guitars are so sweet,even boys are wanting one"
"Its light ,so i can jump around with it...when i jump with my current guitar my shoulder aches" says 18 year old sean wee a boy from poly.

"even for those who do not play the guitar the cases come in handy - as a tote for tennis rackets....."

I know there has been talk about daisy guitars for some time but this is the first time i've seen them featured in the newspapers. LOL at the 18 year old guy...............

Methinks this is doing a disservice to girls who are serious in wanting to learn guitars. I guess you've seen many a female guitarists slinging a Strat or any other guitar and duke it out just like any good musician. What's so unfeminine about that that a specific line of guitar has to be manufactured for this purpose? This 'phenomenan' is just gonna bite itself in the ass in due time...

Btw, a female blues rock guitarist slinging a beat-up Start like SRV's kinda rocks my boat, though I'm not a Fender fan... :lol:
I hate the Straits Times. Look at all the Mr, Miss and Mrs Anonymous in the articles.

Which means - I can be a journalist writing an article off my desk without ever going out to find out about anything. Just copy and paste, and cull ideas off your mind. All you need to have is a good sense of imagination.

from a girl's view, seriously, i dont really think the guitars are nice though!!! looks soo ... kiddy ? teh stars and flowers is damn damn odd..i prefer strats anytime.. ahha.
no offence but the guitars are downright ugly imo.
i think they are portraying this the wrong way, almost as if stereotyping all girls can't handle actual instruments with actual weight?
Oh boy, not IN again.

I see Daisy Rocks, racks upon racks of them hanging in swee lee. I see lians. I see swarms of lians. I see them picking up the guitars. I see...I see...
I'm a girl.
IMO, the guitars are U-G-L-Y, no ifs, ands or buts about it.

"they are specially designed to make them easier for women to handle" -I find this quote offensive. what, women are too weak to handle a regular guitar?

"having a pretty guitar is important.If you see an ugly one,you wont want to touch it" says another girl refering to her daisy rock guitar.....
-PLEEEASE. this is a twit through and through.
OH GOD LES PAULS AND STRATS ARE SOOOO UGLYYYY. who cares if i play like malmsteen and look like sexy slash, I'm going to give up guitar cause I dont want to touch my ugly strat.

"sec 1 student is taking lessons to play one after deciphering its brand from a lindsay lohan album cover"
-Again, a twit! helloooooooooo lindsay whatsername doesn't play guitar, even!

someone should seriously complain about this.
The designs are too.. girly.
the butterfly one is scary.
mainly because i have insectophobia but really, its scary and ugly.

and i AGREE with nic1327.
edit: just that I don't know about the easier to handle thing because i've never played a regular electric.
For younger girls around 15-16 the standard guitar neck is kinda chunky and harder to play. Some of the more petite students I used to teach would find that even something like a squier strat difficult to balance and play standing up. And that's the demographic the Daisy Rocks are aiming at, which would also include your hip it girls who listen to Lindsay Lohan... Hopefully they grow out of it.
^ maybe so, however the article doesn't have to be phrased in that way, it's actually rather offensive, well to me.
this is what happens when a journalist really does not know his/her subject matter, and just writes about it.

I remember an article my mother cut out long ago, something about in-line skating lessons for children, just a snippet of it, from the Straits Times too.
It called Tony Hawk an inline skater, and they spelt his name as "Hawkes". :roll: