New U2 Album Leaked


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Apparently the new U2 album, No Line On The Horizon, has been leaked via an Australian music website. Got a listen to it and I have to say, it sounds fantastic! It's even better than I expected and at the same time, nothing like what I expected. There's some real sonic innovation going on, but the rock is much harder in certain places than on Atomic Bomb. Feels like a grower and I'll have to listen to it a few more times to be sure, but it could be their best effort since Achtung Baby...:mrgreen:
Apparently the new U2 album, No Line On The Horizon, has been leaked via an Australian music website. Got a listen to it and I have to say, it sounds fantastic! It's even better than I expected and at the same time, nothing like what I expected. There's some real sonic innovation going on, but the rock is much harder in certain places than on Atomic Bomb. Feels like a grower and I'll have to listen to it a few more times to be sure, but it could be their best effort since Achtung Baby...:mrgreen:

now you've gotten me excited!! (:
Its definitely better than the last two albums. It sounds like an acknowledgment of both their 80s and 90s sounds but at the same time like nothing they've sounded like before. They even managed to squeeze in a bit of blues rock. There's a track that sounds like outer-space folk!
The lead single "Get Your Boots On" is pretty underwhelming (although the music video looks great), so I hope the rest of the album fares better.
The lead single "Get Your Boots On" is pretty underwhelming (although the music video looks great), so I hope the rest of the album fares better.

Judging it critically, I'd have to say that this album is a lot less obvious, melodically, than any of their previous efforts. It takes quite a few listens before the album gives up its pearls: but it's well worth the effort and attention invested.

Listening through the whole album you'll understand why Boots was the single: it's probably the only song on the entire record that sounds like it belongs on radio.
Bought it, bought the magazine version. :D

Very nicely packed, I loved the album personally. I don't think it's their best work though, but a good album overall. Look forward to the new release, another one to compliment no line on the horizon.
If I'm not wrong they're gonna have a double whammy and release another one at the end of 2009. It'll be a lower-key, quieter, more introspective album called Songs of Ascent.

Shame that Levan got banned, would have been interested to see what he thinks of the new album.
Bono did say it was like the zooropa to Achtung.. So.. uh huh.

Hah, but yeah, I've listened to the album 3 times over now, better than the previous one, not the best they've released, still worth every cent I paid for it. :D
Did you get the one with Anton Corbijn's film, Linear? Apparently it's meant to be played alongside the that's interesting. Like a custom visualization of sorts.
2 albums in a year? they must not be hoping much of the sales from this album...

reminds me of windows vista and windows 7 :mrgreen:
I think when you're a band as well-established as U2, you come to a point where record sales is secondary to artistic ambition and communication. If they cared so much about record sales they would have put this record out in November instead in time for the Christmas crowd. The fact that they took some time out to polish it and released it at a less commercially profitable time says a lot about record sales as a priority.

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