An Original Album is launched by Theron, one of Academy of Rock Singapore's talent!

Adonsia Yap

New member
HOT NEWS from Academy of Rock Singapore!
Theron, one of our talents and an AOR student has his very FIRST
Album Launch online and it was mixed at our very own AOR Studios!
This album consists of an eclectic array of compositions with amazing sounds
and effects you won't want to miss!
Let us support our local talents and all the immense effort they have put in into contributing to the local scene.
Amazing job Theron! We, at AOR Singapore, are so proud of this album!
Have a listen an support the Album launch at:

YouTube :

Bandcamp :

Soundcloud :…/the-boy-who-felt-forever-blue-star…

Check out Theron's thoughts and feelings on this Album:
I've never worked this hard on anything in my whole life. Everything that has happened from October 2015 until now was so crazy and draining that I often zone out just from how exhausted and unreal this experience of recording, mixing and releasing my debut album truly has been. It's gotten in the way of things that's for sure, but ultimately I feel like it was worth every second that i committed myself to. All the hours spent positioning microphones, layering instruments to the point of having over 100 individual tracks on Logic, redoing takes upon takes until they were satisfactory, mixing and remixing songs, and sorting out the artwork only reaffirmed my love for music and the importance of albums instead of take away my immense enjoyment from it.
Of course this could not have been done without the help and support that i received from my family and those involved in throughout the process of making this album.
My parents and sister for their unconditional love, Ian and Shorya (AOR Studios) for their guidance through the producing and mixing, all the AOR teachers for teaching me all about music, the sessionists and SJI Vocal Ensemble members for dealing with me and delivering their amazing performances, Carmela and Vedi for the brilliant artwork and design respectively, and lastly to all the bands and artists for being incremental in developing me as a musician and for inspiring me to do this. I can't thank all of you enough.


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