New to Pedals

Which pedal function makes pickups more sensitive to small changes in sound produced by the strings?

Well, from this question, i would assume you want more dynamics, IE, soft picking = very soft sound and hard picking = very loud sound. Well, its the opposite of what a compressor would do and i don't think there're any conventional pedal that does this. The best would be for zero pedals at all.

Then iread further down, maybe you meant to asked which pedal would make ur signal more insensitive to picking dynamics.

That would be compressors. Compressors reduces picking dynamics and makes low signal from soft picking louder and huge signals from hard picking softer. The effect would be a balanced sound with little volume variation. Do note that too much of this is not really tateful also as it totally kills all dynamics.

Some distotion units also give similar effects but the conrol is through distortion. IE, your compression is limited bythe amount of distortion as they are directly propotional. Bad thing is, if you want high compression u need high distortion levels. Thus i would advice you to get a saparate compression unit.

If you want to know what effects does what out there, a good place to start would be

Listen to the sound samples as if gives you a general idea of what each pedal does. Distortion units are varied because each distortion pedal gives a slightly different tonal qualities. They are very important part of a guitarist effects chain, some even go the the extend of stacking over 3 pedals to get what they want. Modulation pedals are those that give you those whacky cool effects and are of secondary importance. Compressors are of a class on their own as they do this specific job i've mentioned above. Then there're delay and reverb pedals which are also of secondary importance because amps usually have a basic function of providing these.

Multi effects is the way to go if you want to explore more as people have mentioned above.
I wld recommend a multi-efx first. Try to get a gd 1 that will last maybe 3-4 years? Examples are the Vox ToneLab SE/LE, Line 6 Pod XT/X3 Live, Korg AX3000G. Why do i not recommend the ME50 or GT-8? Firstly, both of these multi-efx are heavy on effects(phazer, compressor, reverb) and MIGHT not contain all u need. Secondly, to me these are not exactly user-friendly, i wld go with the 3 mentioned above for user-friendliness, in which the Pod tops the list. Also, these 3 multi-efx contain amp models, so u can plug direct into PA. So, nxt time when u go pro u know what amp u want. IMHO, try not to go into pedals too early, u might jus end up wasting money if u dunno wat u want.
Yes i learnt that the hard way, but for my case, i don't have all that i want, not getting what i don't need... haha too expensive la going singles... maybe next time i work then buy a lot of singles... multi effects much cheaper!
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haha yeah.. i have a korg ax3000g.. seems expensive with 600 or something at first.. then you realise a single effects can do so much less, however, with much nicer tone.. for around a sixth of the price per pedal.. you might realise after a while the costs of the single pedal.. unless you're working..
Well, the majority definitely goes for the MFX to begin exploring the sector of effects.
I agree with the rest start with MFX first, and hear what all them different effects sound like,
i.e, wah, flanger, phaser etc etc...
Personally, i have never owned a mfx before =x (sad guitarhood =] )
i went on the path of single pedal-hood.
Single pedals got its advantages and disadvantages. But if u were to start single pedals, must test a lot haha find the right one as everyone says in the forum.
id say, distortion/overdrives first ----> to modulations like delay, flanger, phasers etc, -----> to reverbs and odd effects. my 0.00001 cent guide to going single pedal. lol
one question:

in multi effects pedals, can i use two modulations in one patch?
for example in ME-50, i want to use the flanger and chorus in one patch.
(i know can have overdrive/dist and one effect and delay in one patch.)

isit possible? or isit just me that use 2 effects in one patch? nyahahah. thnks in adv.
It depends.. The Zoom G2.1u allows 9 different effects at once..
But this effects come from the same bank, meaning you can't use the same effect within the bank.. For example, can't have chorus and flanger at the same time, wah and phaser, etc etc..

I know the Pod XT Live allows a pre-gain OD stacking with a distortion I think.. Saw Dhalif demonstrating it a week before the sale..