Power la skinnies.
Next time tranparent skinnies, do tell me.
i prefer lacy oneshaha the guys'll get one for their girlfriends
yeah, iron maiden wear nicest.. yngwie wear like squeezing his fats..haha,jkjk
i still like iron maiden skinny tight shiny black pants than twit peninsula pants..![]()
they would definitely invent, a specially made custom preorder screamfest edition , skinny but with circa survive embossed all over. haha. that would be a great sight. oestrogen la!!
ehhhhh stop it with the circa survive eh.
i want a skinnies which no mat reps nor ah bengs wear.
haha and have u seen the staff of NUM? they look like gay seriously with their boat oars reminds me of that abercrombie sketch on madtv. for those who don't follow take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3-WzqfbVHU have fun,and laugh while ur at it =)
later maybe gt new skinny jeans
red,yellow,green stripes..haha
like trafficlight sia