new publication looking for music writers


New member
hey all,
we've vacancies for 3 music writers on our new publication of a "zine" (though we'd loathe to call it that). we're looking for people with a natural flair for writing & who're passionate about music. your job includes having to write reviews of CDs, gigs & other music-related events, do features on old & new local bands, etc. unfortunately we're not able to pay our writers at the moment so it'll be on a completely voluntary basis. if you want to share to passion for music with others, this is a really great chance to do it. there're still loads of things you can write about that're not necessarily restricted to what i've just mentioned. feel free to suggest possible features that we can write about.

our publication is based on creativity & passion, & we're dead afraid of falling into cliched patterns. we'd like to do this in an entirely new, exciting way.. so this is gonna be an adventure. for now we won't be meeting up with our external writers (because we already have inhouse writers). you guys can just send in your articles & we'll print them (your articles are subject to editing though), simple as that. we'll start paying our writers if we make money, but now is too early to say. besides, we're not in this for the money, are we?

hoping to hear from you people out there.
(well, just gotta clarify: you don't have to be a superb writer to apply. you have to be coherent, that's one, & passionate about music, that's two. write us!)

love from the good people (we're still thinking of a title for the publication)
ellenshane said:
hey all,
we've vacancies for 3 music writers on our new publication of a "zine"

Just wondering: instead of limiting to 3, why not open to anyone who wants to contribute? Afterall, like you mentioned, it's voluntary. Maybe through this method, you can identify the few better ones and engage them in the more permanent basis with renumeration.
you're right, that's why we're asking ppl to write in, & we'll work with the "best" 3 on a permanent basis.. but we're always happy to receive articles from people who just wanna do a one-off thing!
Subversion can do reviews of musical instruments/CD Albums? This guy doesn't do it for money, purely out of passion... And he's really professional!
defintely ! i m sure many members would be willing to contribute to the zine ! good job .

i hope i m not bursting a bubble or anything here , but there already is a local zine , "agingyouth" i think . maybe ya guys could combine with them ? i m not too sure
stars said:
defintely ! i m sure many members would be willing to contribute to the zine ! good job .

i hope i m not bursting a bubble or anything here , but there already is a local zine , "agingyouth" i think . maybe ya guys could combine with them ? i m not too sure

Thanks for remembering us, stars. Just tahan for a while longer. Your bass will be here in a mth's time eh? Hehehe... :wink:

We'll definitely be interested in exploring avenues we can work with other publications. And we have been approached by other zines to work together. So far, it has not materialised due to different approaches but that door is not shut. :)

ellenshane, please contact me if you think that there are areas we can collaborate on. By the way, are you guys looking at prrofessional photo shoots for the featured acts, etc?

We are also thinking of renaming our webzine as well. Actually, we have an online contest in our next issue for that. Loads of goodies to be given away! And I mean, shitloads...
for those who're interested, pls send in samples of previous articles you've written or, if you havent done sth like this before, send us a mock-article! haha. & you'd do well to send us a write-up on yourself as well. oh & pls note that this zine will not be focusing entirely on music, local or not. we're hoping to straddle across the arts, like so many other zines do, but basically we just wanna experiment with form, presentation & content.. we've so many ideas we;'re bursting! haha.

send your articles & write-up to indieache at gmail dot com. hoping to hear from you ppl!

oh & agingyouth, i havent really seen your zine around before. do you have a sample of it?! would definitely love to work with you guys in future!
haha definitely no age limit at all!

oh & jeremyrozario, there just MIGHT be free CDs to review! we're trying to talk things through with some independent cd shops, but there're just not many around you see.. we dont really wanna review CDs that've already been covered to death by our local mags, because we believe that good music is OUT THERE, as hackneyed as it may sound.. a band nobody has heard of can be as good or even better than alot of trash we hear from the mainstream media these days!
i would like to help too:) is something i love:) ....and i have been writing for ages....if you want i can pm my qualifications
bluepowder said:
i would like to help too:) is something i love:) ....and i have been writing for ages....if you want i can pm my qualifications

hey all all means! email or pm me more details. :)
ellenshane said:
a band nobody has heard of can be as good or even better than alot of trash we hear from the mainstream media these days!

so true man, but some are quite catchy lyk e boulevard of broken dreams, when i first heard it i never imagined it came from the band that brought ur american idiot, anw i wouldn't mind reviewing cds, maybe not absolutely free, maybe at a discounted price or sumthin?
AgingYouth said:
Thanks for remembering us, stars. Just tahan for a while longer. Your bass will be here in a mth's time eh? Hehehe... :wink:

no problem bro !

i think the little misunderstanding is buried. hmmz ... where can i get a copy of agingyouth ? i find it very interesting
I guess it is. We are supporting in terms of logistics and publicity for a guitar pedal convention in May. Loads of familiar faces from our gear retailers will be participating as well. And the organiser, our fren from Platform The Label has gotten quite a couple of familiar faces from the scene to share their views on how they use their effects in their tunes. The slut invited a couple of female bassists as well. Heh. Should be heaps fun! :D

Our webzine is an online magazine. So all issues are hosted online at

Check it out and let me know what you think! :D