New iPOD family (Sept07)

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Meet the new family:


8) What's cool:

iPod touch is like the iPhone minus the phone.
iPod classic has 160GB storage.
iPod nano has a large display.
yep, saw on yahoo, check out link below.

ipod touch so cool!!! i'd much prefer that to iphone. as in, the current iphone with its quirks. but the capacity too low for something that can do so much. like, it can do more than ipod vid but why the capacity lower? weird.

but i got a beef with the nano. now it jus looks like mini version of the regular ipod but with weird dimensions. no more sleekness. still tink 1st gen nano looks the best of all the nanos.[/url]
The touch screen is only available on the iPod touch. The classic and nano do not have touch screen, that's why they still need the wheel.
ipods are made by the world's most lowest paying CEO of a company....

anyways, how much would an ipod which has 30GB storage cost???

can anyone enlighten me about ipods??? im confused on how many are there?
ipod have different generations.example nano,video,shuffle.
different sizes and functions.and designs.
an ipod 30gb would cost around $400.
Ipod video is out of stock almost everywhere.. Right now there's no 30GB capacity Ipod.

New Ipod Classic 80GB = $428, quite a good deal considering the old Ipod Video 30gb was around that price too.

I'm waiting for my 5G Ipod video to die out before getting a 80gb Ipod Classic :lol:
creative zen stone FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oops... sorry wrong thread...

*wave his pink 4G Ipod Mini*