new band looking guitarist, frontman, synth and bassist!


New member
hey people,

me and my drummer has been out of the music scene for awhile and decided to get back into it again. currently we just have a drummer and a guitarist.

our influence varies from alot of bands from muse, creed, radiohead etc etc.

if you like to experiment with sound and music, this it the band for you. we are planning to move into post-rock/experimental music. think ambient, "spacey" sounds.

if interested do hit me up at 97267955 or email at

hope to find serious musicians who can commit!
need a bassist??

hi there nigel

im a bassist, 23m with 7yrs exp, been in gigs, recordings, overseas etc... very much interested in ur plan. i tink we cld work sumthing out. email/ msn me at: or hp: 96171734

Hey Nigel,

Long time never heard from you....
Why didnt you call me up to find a bassist..
I'll be gladly accept your offer with open arms..
Hope we can work together again this time..
Besides that I also can become the guitarist..
Just call me up at 92357028 and we'll talk bout music..

Hey there,guitarist here! im a avid fan of radiohead :) And i know what kind of music u guys wants to play.

Do get back at me at 81150748,or just pm me. Your plan is awesome, :)
Hello Nigel.
Im into vocalist however im not sure by the time u read this the slot as a frontman might be taken. I used to had a band however its just falls apart.. Currently I was inspire to form a band or join a band as I got to know that my former drummer is currently doing well is his band as a drummer... A part of background had alreadybeen told. Buzz me up man @98808606.