hmm i don't wanna sell anything i have. if i don't need something, i'd probably donate to my sister. haha but i've sold some things before cos i needed the cash. so, yeah.
My strat, cause my parents bought it for me. Too much sentimental value although it's a MIM. Tried selling it a number of times, but eventually i chickened out.
Not in my rig, but my boss ds-2. it's just there in the box, but i won't sell it.
I won't ever sell my 8-year-old Samick acoustic. It was my first decent guitar... Not to mention I bought it off a friend who is now in the US. Only thing is that there's problems with the tuners that I'm unsure if its worth to fix. I might have to throw it away but ah well, at least the only place its going is Guitar heaven.
The rest of my gear... I'll sell 'em if the time comes, the most important for me now is my fingers!