Need some recommendation on a 4Str P-bass


New member
HI all nid some recommendation for a 4 strings P-Bass budget ard 300 bucks..

is GSR200 GSR Series Bass Guitar a gd buy at 460?

Thx :D
you know, it's only this guy's 1st few posts. we should all welcome him to the forum and then kindly point out to him that these questions have been answered before. even then, the information from the previous posts might be outdated.

all of us started out as a noob with many questions to ask. we should all be friendly enough to guide him along.

how would you feel if the replies to your first post are merely links without a warm welcome? the people on the warwick forums where i surf are all warm and friendly and willing to answer any questions. i hope we can all learn to be gracious and friendly like them.

btw Playerkiller, welcome to the forums and i hope your stay here will be an enjoyable one. hope you don't lose the love for bass as there are only so few of us here. hope you will gain valuable information from the links they have given you. cheers! C=
no worries bros! i dun take tinks too hard..haha
anyway i got myself a Epiphone Thunderbird IV liao..

quite happy wif it so far.. jus nid some help wif a practice amp.. wana buy a 2nd hand but dunno wat to look out for...
if you are content with a practice unit, Peavey's Micro BASS is recommended. another worthy consideration would be those small Ibanez Soundwave units.


wat r their price range? becos of my work schedule i hardly got time to go shopping usually i jus go straight to the product i wan n time to scout ard..hehe
sx basses are cheap man. abt 200-300. quite a solid build cos the neck joint is strong. the rest like fret intonation and fret shaping(sharp edges on the frets, not neatly filed off) not so good. many ppl 'zhng' their sx basses with solid pickups and preamps and jut do a reret job. exin and i wanted to share one zhnged up bass once man. lol
unfortunately, most shops don't have such a wide range of amps. except maybe davis that has loads of ampegs. but i doubt you will enjoy the service there. it'd be a lot better if you did your homework and know exactly wad to get.

firstly, we need to know your price range. most amps under the price of $200 aren't worth it at all(except maybe 2nd hand). but then again, we will need to know what kindof sound you want.

if you can't describe it, maybe suggest a bass player that you know you would like to have his kind of sound. but then again, pros use huge amps and have professionals tweak the sound for them. so you definitely cannot emulate that kind of sound if you have a budget. however, we can work out something close to that.

My advice for a practice amp is...

Get the cheapest one you can buy :)
It doesn't make sense to spend lots of money on an amp that will never leave your house, especially if you're not going to be gigging with it.

Try the Smarvo's from Ranking.
not to oppose you cherns, but i think you have to enjoy the tone you're getting. i get really pissed when no matter how hard i try, i cant get an 'OK' tone coming out from my amp. i mean, you need motivation to play.

definitely you don't need the best amp and cab out there but something reasonable.

get smth between 30-50W, so that when your guitar buddies bring their 15W amps over for fun, you won't be drowned out. and you can recreate those deep lows and play around with the settings you have and see what interesting tones you can come up with.

makes more sense if you look at it this way, rather than just a 'finger training' amp.
i absolutely agree with the above post

anything 20w and below, to me, doesnt sound like a bass at all. i dont think that is enough power to create a thumping kind of sound

the amp has to be responsive to the changes in your playing style. if i play near the bridge or over the pickup or over the fretboard, or if i blend the pickups differently i would want to hear all these. the worst case scenario is if i were to step into a jam studio and plug into a >100w amp, and realise i sound like shit
cherns has a point but i think a good tone makes good practice ... =)

i don't exactly disagree with cherns but personally i would prefer to get a higher wattage amp that churns out tone compared to just budget amps.

i'm currently using a Ibanez 35W Soundwave bass amp .. yes it has a tweeter so you can hear all the highs coming out nice ...

btw .. horns aren't tweeters .. they are a different kind of directional cones meant to amplify sound a high volumes over a large distance ...

tweeters are the ones that handles your highs in your amps .. =)
wah..thx all for the informations...

my fav bassist shld be Flea.. haha

my budget is below 200 for a 2nd hand bass.. but for 2nd i not sure wat brands to look out for n tinks to look out ofr when purchasing them...
then you can play like tweety bird. i thought i saw a long time ago that the sw35 was written to have a horn, and the sw65 a tweeter. and i was wondering what the difference was. must have been a typo

i used to own the sw65, it was quite sweet, tweeter and all. the tone was very nice. just that it was extremely huge