need some opinion (guitar)


New member
okay there are 2 guitar, guitar A and guitar B.

guitar A sound GREAT! and its serve my current purpose well. but human feelings change, who knows i wanna play with my whammy bar next when guitar a doesnt have this ability to do so.

Gutiar B sound alright, not so fantastic not so crap either. Its looks better than guitar A. It can serve my purpose, but does not sound as great as guitar A. Guitar B is more verstaile then gutiar A, which can be safe cos i dunno wat i kind of music i gotta be into next.

:( which one should i choose, i didnt place the guitar model, cos i dunna face bias comments :lol: dun mind me
B...just swap pickups in the future, may not sound as great..but at least it helps haha...i always choose playability over sound
lol 2 v 2, wat a headach, nvm i got a month to think about it. and i think my situation is getting worst, the more guitar i browse, the more guitars im interested in getting, and the more complicating and more headace on choosing which one argh!!!! :lol:
definitely B...

more versatile, next time can upgrade sound. but good sound cant do much stuff, also can la, but restricts u more to different genres of music
when it comes to the guitar's tone, pickups & amps play a significant role. guitar B might sound fantastic if the afore-mentioned factors are duly considered.

tell us the brands for these...
kk i used to play joe satriana stuff, but for now my taste changed, im in love with country, blues, oldies rock n roll. oldies pop? like la bamba, beatles stuff. i been using my grandfather rg450, yeah the stop production tat one.
for the both guitars, im refering to fender lite ash telecaster and rg450 probably ( but if im not wrong, no more rg450 right?) the nearest is rg350 which is made out of bass wood right :( yeah i know telecaster can fix bigsby, btu after fixing bigsby will the sound change alot ar? its ridicious to get a telecaster but without the twang hmm . . .

btw i cant use my grandpa rg450 forever ;p its time to get a new one, since he is sponsoring me. but then i dun wanna burn a big hole in his pocket as well, most likly spending >1k.

Go try out more and more and more until you find one that:
a) Sounds great!
b) Versatile

I'm sure if you shop hard and long enough you'll find one that you'll fall in love with.

Since your taste is now more country, blues and such, I reccomend either a PRS or a Yamaha Pacifica. Both very versatile and good sounding, but the feel is very different, so try em out. Some even have the wilkinson trem, so you can do nose dives and stuff, but obviously not as much pull back as a floyd becuase the body not routed.

Don't settle for less than something you absolutely love.
if u're sure u will stick with country, blues etc for a long time, get the tele. and get a non-vintage spec'd tele if u want the best of both worlds instead.
:( im love all kind of music, i guess a "gerneral" gutiar is better. anyway does sweelee still have rg450? i personally used rg450 for years, still love it :( if not any models to intro? probably a modelwith pickguard, i duno why, guitars without pickup is really weird for me. went to find bras bashar, i cant even find rg350 over there :( guess need to go all the way down to sim drives. hopefully there is rg450 or 550, and i will be glad :lol:

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