Need some advice on whether to get a 2nd guitar!


Hey pips. The story goes like this... my first electric was a gift from my group of friends early last year. It's a strat copy, rusting a little at the machine heads and the machine head screws are loose as well :S Oh, and some notes after the 15th fret dont ring out fully/nicely. I was thinking of looking for a new with good sustain and double hums (gives a fatter sound isit?).

Have been contemplating it for a while now. Somehow I feel I dont deserve it till i get better at guitar. But sometimes when I practice solos, the lousy sustain really gets to me. Plus I'm going to uni in a few weeks, afraid that I'll not have enough time to play it.

Yep. That's my long winded story for you! What do you think I should do? Get or dont get. Any replies will be greatly appreciated =D
if you really want a second guitar and feel that despite lacking the time in uni, you will still love guitar and play it at every chance you get, go get it...

and dont worry about getting can always practice when you have the time...

getting a better guitar would be an encouragement to spend more time with your guitar.

well, it did for me anyway. so naturally, you'll get better as you spend more time with it. =)
Heh cool =] Now the question is which guitar to get =P Sweelee having 25% sale on quite a few guitars now. Dont wanna spend above 500 for it though :-|
then wait for the swee lee sale!! but too bad it was just over.

yeah better guitar would simply encourage u to play guitar more. and guitars dont expire. theres always semester break, or after graduation or just some blues needed every midnight by the window till the long haired one comes.

sustain? those bigger bodied ones provide more sustain(what i heard, experts needed here)
humbuckers? they reduce hum, which are essential for high gain playing. suitable metal.
what u need is a LES PAUL!! huhu
Haha I went for the sale queue so long! Went a bit late so didn't find anything. 25% also not bad right. Almost all the famous guitar brands have 25% off I think.

Thinking of an epi LP. I think I just might go down to sweelee to check it out later :p
Woah epiphone LPs are out of my budget man. Shld I get a 2nd hand Ultra for close to 600? I have a bit of phobia of second hand buying though. What shld i look out for?
Somehow I feel I dont deserve it till i get better at guitar. But sometimes when I practice solos, the lousy sustain really gets to me.

there's this myth that you need to be good to own something good- sometimes, it's not having something good that's making us lousy... i won't say you should get yourself a $6K Gibson immediately but something more decent than your current squeeze perhaps?