Need some advice on action height.


New member
Well, first time I've encountered this.

Got an RG1550, the action felt high, so I lowered the tremelo but it started buzzing...the only height where it does not buzz is when there is a
4mm clearance on the low E.

There doesn't seem to be any odd neck bow.

Is this normal?? I always though clearance would be around 2mm.

It feels like doing finger resistance exercises everytime I play....

Are there ways to remedy this
is that 4mm @ the 12th fret of the bass E string? if it is, then it's very high... my 1550 has one of the lowest action of all my guitars, yes it does buzz but not excessively & not across the entire neck.

if you had the chance to get up close to Paul Gilbert's guitar, then you'll hear the buzzing as his action is very low...
When I lower the bridge by turning the studs down, the strings will start buzzing...quite horribly too.... all across the low E, some on the A and D.

The high E had a little more tolerance but it'll start to buzz too!!

The lowest I got was with buzzing at the 1st few frets when the low E is about 3mm at 12th fret.... when I to 2mm, it's quite bad...I can't strum hard or every fret will buzz.

So it's a trade off? Buzzing will kill sustain and tone...?[/img]
it's either the neck being too straight (as per Ragus) or your standard of a buzz-free neck is very high...
Bring it to a guitar tech for a set up. IMO, that's the best way to find what's the problem for a guy like me who know nuts about guitar repair.
Yeah, thnx for advice.... I've tried to meddle with the truss rod... now the buzz is the other way round....action is low, but buzz on 1st to 6th fret and 20th to 24th ....

It's way too confusing for me....Put it in my case.... send it back to MFO...when i have time to go down...
Or the problem could be your nut :)

Too low therefore cuzing the buzzing.....its hard to tell what's the exact cause w/o cing the actual bet is to bring it to a tech or a friend who knows a thing a 2 bout setting action

Can't do something abt my nut tho....coz quite strange...the RG1550 does not have nut adjustment screws at the back of the neck.... its the glued on type...

I know the RG 550 has an adjustment...but not the 1550...strange...
Dun have any guitars equipped w/whammy not sure bout that...what I meant was the nut might have been cut too low...therefore you cannot let the action be too low juz to verify buzzing as in you can heard the buzzing when playing through an amp? or when its not plugged in?

if plugged in than its a problem but if unplugged there's buzzing but not so when through amp than its ok for me....but it depends on personal preference....

For the chunkier humbucks at neck n bridge, the buzz cannot be heard. But with the more 'crispy' single coil mode/ H-S, S, S-H mode, the buzz is very irritating...

coz the single coil has a very treble "sparkle" sound and the buzz makes a "bbzzzttttt..." sound especially when doing some chord work and hard picking.

there's a trade off... The original set up has no buzz, but the action was WAY too high...ard 4 to 4.5mm at 14th fret... I lowered the action... it started buzzing.... I tightened the truss rod (convex)...also buzz.... I've got it nice and low now at ard 2mm action plus 0.5mm neck relief...but have the problem i mentioned...
hmmm, just to add in a bit. Wondering can the buzz be heard through the amp when you are playing the guitar? There are some cases whereby the fret wire could be the cause of the buzzing and the buzz wont be amplified thru the amp. Some fret wire if not fully sitted in the fret slot and there is a slight gap in between the fretboard and the fret wire. Some buzzing would occur. Usually the guitar will need a fret dressing by a guitar tech to solve the problem.

In this case, maybe it will be better to let a guitar tech look at it and solve the buzzing problem instead of trial and error to get rid of the buzz. my .002 cent