Need introduction of songs for school prom URGENTLY !

Most Singaporeans are not worth entertaining, and your job as a musician is to entertain. The thought of the people in my school, just makes me sick... Right wolf? I bet you loved seejaysee though. Those three letters together conjure up a very unique sense of revulsion in me though.
Yeah, learnt that the hard way. If you saw the vids of my performance in post prom last year, you'd wonder if I was playing to a crowd or doing a sound check... Heh

CJ's fun, but could have been funner! =(
haha you could always do a rock-ier version of that vitamin c song, something gradution thing..

or, just play an acoustic set. simple
cmon one recommends every breath you take by the police ???

good feeling by violent femmes is good too...sad song

this modern love by bloc party is good too...
Yeah, learnt that the hard way. If you saw the vids of my performance in post prom last year, you'd wonder if I was playing to a crowd or doing a sound check... Heh

Yea... some people just don't respect the musicians on stage. There've been many a gigs I've been to (usually the free/cheap ones of course) where people are just trying to talk above the music. There was this once this chick was talking about her family in Italy or something, and someone gave her a death stare and she finally shut up and went outside with her friend. Lol. Yea, I know that sentence had quite a lot of "and"s...