need help with choosing guitar


New member
i need help with choosing guitars. im a total noob, havent even really started learning yet. know a few chords, but that's about it. so i need to get myself a guitar! i was told by alot of people to start out with a classical guitar instead of an acoustic because the nylon strings would be easier on the fingers and stuff like that. issit really that bad to start off with an acoustic? now im considering an acoustic or classical guitar, but im still leaning towards acoustic...

someone help me please! thanks!
Dude, all you need is an experienced guitarist friend to go with you and you get to hear the guitars in action, look at them, feel them and maybe even play some.

I would say - acoustic or classical, what people say abt how "hard" or how "easy", its all very very relative. Its very personal. Its very hard to generalize.

So, go with someone, and pick something you LIKE, whether its looks, feel or sound.

You're going to get 101 comments here.
yeah, i am getting my guitarist friend and my father as well to go with me lol. both are guitarists, but i dont know what to choose. i've had a feel of the classical guitar already, with 3 steel strings and 3 nylon strings lol, but i hate the wide neck.

had a feel with the acoustic guitar too, but one was my friend's 12 string guitar, not 6 strings, and another was badly out of tune. the steel strings dont bother me much though.

i'll take your advice, and pick something I like

are there any good guitars for the beginner? my budget's 200-300 dollars, but there should be a discount during chinese new year right?? that's what i heard
Go To Peninsular Shopping Complex
The Basement Got Alot Of Shop
Try Davies,Guitar 77
Be Sure To Play,Check For Flaws,Feel It
And If Its Nice,Cosmetically Flawless,Buy It
Good Luck
I think if most songs that you'll want to learn/play is not classical ones, then get an acoustic, plus the neck is not so fat. It still sounds good, and fretting wise, you can always train your fingers to become stronger :)
Ar ha...jus to hack in a has gd acoustic guitar..takamine D series...sound gd! but wondering...will there b discount during new yr season?!...the price is $315 for the 1 i tried wif cheap pickup (but the sound from the guitar itself is already worth the price though)
to momentum...davis do carry guitar like fina n samick acoustic...both very gd sia....less than $200 but without pickup...
ok, im a complete noob at this. what do u mean pickup? i dont get what wikipedia says lol, but it seems like its a thing that converts vibrations on ur guitar into electric signals, issit?? do i really need that?

oh wait, then laiddat is electric acoustic already issit? im so sorry, i sound like an idiot :(

oh lol, sorry, i know what a pickup is le lol! ok, i will go and take a look at those guitars, thanks firez! i think should have discount baah, chinese new year leh!

more good beginner guitars please!!
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i recommend u to just get an acoustic instead of classical, since from ur post that is what you are leaning towards, and also acoustic will be more suitable for u to strum/play/sing along to songs. it's louder and sounds better for strumming.

i don't recommend u to get an acoustic with pickup at this stage, cos u dun need it and it will cost u more. for the amount spent on an acoustic with pickup, u can take the same amount to spend on an acoustic without pickup but with higher quality. for me i just don't like the idea of acoustics with pickups, cos when i go acoustic i really go unplugged.

acoustics with budget of $300, i recommend citymusic and davis. their budget acoustic range is not bad, u can definitely get good value for money acoustics for $300 or lower there. just don't get kapok or TGM from davis those super budget types, cos they are really hard to play on and sounds crap.
Acoustics are a great way to start. No electricity required - do it anywhere you like!

As a starter,
I suggest a Congress - it's a brand.
It makes the guitar sing, cuddle, take flight -
and at a price you'll like!

They cost less than a hundred. But they sing like a few hunfred.

Truly, if you're starting out, get something inexpensive and Congress is a GREAT bet. The hell with the brand names, they mean nothing because they do nothing on their own!

Start with a Congress. Should you feel it's time to GETON WITH IT, then some back with more Qs.

For a first guitar, that's good and lasts you for at least a year and a half, don't spend more than SG150 and the Congress will do the job, more than well.

ok lol, no pickups for me yet. i'll try out different guitars and just pick one i like lol. give me more tips though lol. thanks guys
For your budget, you may be able to get a okish second-hand solid top acoustic guitar, i.e. possibly a better sound for the same buck and better playability. You can also use it as your 'travel' guitar when you upgrade.

Get an experienced friend to test/check out the guitar if possible.

I think no point spending too little for a new acoustic guitar and upgrade to a better guitar later. But, if you really want a new guitar, suggest Maestro, Cort, Yamaha, Custom Acoustic, .... just pay as much as you can afford and more importantly, what you like.... sound, looks etc.

I am an old rookie.... Reduced my guitars to 3. I have a black Yamaha FS720S which I enjoy playing because it has a small neck & body and the sound is good enough for me. Just fixed a LR Braggs pickup and so far, I am lovin' it.
U can try Finas, Takamines or Maestros, whichever suits ur taste. But if u can up ur budget to past $500, more brands like Ibanez, Cort, Yamaha come into the frame. IMHO, these 3 brands make great acoustics, but only those which are $500 and up. The lower end ones show some shoddy workmanship and in one case with a $300 Yamaha, dubious wood. Try getting a solid top instead of a laminated, it will sound better and it'll be more durable too. Most of all, make sure u like the sound and feel of the neck/body so that u won;t be replacing it in 6 mths or things like that. Cheerz!