Need help triggering my e-drums with EZDrummer


New member
Hi there,
Would like to know how to setup my Yamaha DTXplorer drumkit with my audio interface and trigger with ezdrummer. Do I need any extra gears to hook up everything to my Mac? The drum module has a midi out. So I suppose the signal chain will e as such.

Drum module midi out -> midi in(audio interface) -> interface -> Mac via USB -> DAW.

Is it correct? Im getting the drums this sat so need to know how to setup with my Mac to trigger with ezdrummer dkfh sounds. Cos the sound that comes with the drums not that powerful as compared to ezdrummer sounds.

Hope any kind soul out there to help me out.. Thank you soo much!! Hope to receive replies ASAP.
Actually I haven had my audio interface yet. Gonna buy the things this sat. Most probably apogee one or saffire 6 pro 14. Is that compatible?

Another thing, how can I trigger eg my snare drums , kick drum with ezdrummer? How to sync with it? Cos I've read some forums saying I need to get a trigger IO like the alesis to sync with ezdrummer. My interface has midi in and the drum module has midi out. So I just need to get a midi cable and that's it?

Just some info. I'm using Mac running logic pro 9. Thank you for ur reply cheez!! Appreciate it!
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Your digital drum's module is the midi trigger. Don't see why you need anything else. A midi cable should be enough. As for audio interface, I would go for firewire if possible. I have significant latency when using USB compared to firewire when using audio and midi at the same time. I'm using MOTU Audio Express.
Okay I see. Thank you for the reply cheez! So am I right to say that I trigger the midi note eg; snare drum on my logic itself? How much you bought ur motu audio express? Thanks alot bro!!
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When you hit your drumkit, it should come out a midi note in Logic. By default, you should see in the transport bar. you should see a number follow by a note eg: 10 C1. First number is the midi channel follow by the note position in Yamaha note range(by default). Normally you will insert a soft synth and let the soft synth to receive any note from your interface.
As kongwee said, the midi is triggered when you play your drumkit. You don't have to worry about what the midi signal does. It just register the note you hit (in this case, snares/tomes/hi-hat/bass drum/cymbals or what have you), how hard you hit etc. Signals goes through the midi interface into your notebook. I believe Toontrack has a standalone application that lets you play the drums without entering your DAW (with some limitations). Also, if you are a drummer, you may want to consider upgrading to Superior Drummer. More customizable. I'm not a drummer, and I use SD2.0!