Need help on choosing guitar and pickups!


New member
Hey all! Yep, kinda new here. I've been playing the guitar for about 4 months now... I'm now considering buying an Epiphone Les Paul Standard. Do you guys know which places stock this guitar? I know Swee Lee sells but I heard they are made in China, workmanship not good. Also, is it advisable for me to buy 2nd hand? I scared later I get conned, very newbie still. Haha.

And uh, which pickups do you recommend for songs by Led Zeppelin?

Thanks in advance!
Swee Lee does stock Epiphone's from Korea. And the quality of workmanship of the koreans = good. If you're rich go for a brand new one, slap in a pair of Gibson Burstbuckers, and i think you should be ready for some Led Zep. Take note you might not sound like Jimmy Page cos your tone is dependant on the gear you use, eg. amps etc.

I haven't been to Guitar Gallery at parklane for a while, but you might want to check them out, they might have what you're looking for.

If you're getting second hand, get someone who's knows his stuff to help you look out for any flaws in the instrument. Mainly check for neck warps, fret wear, damage to finish/structure.

If you do buy from Swee Lee, ask them to take out a new piece. The ones on display are... :(
Wow, fast reply. Hm, ok will go check it out. Another question, is there any pickup similar to Seymour Duncan APH that can be used for Zep songs. Or is the APH ok for them? Cuz I play a little GnR too. Thanks again!
Both the burstbuckers and APH have alnico 2 magnets. They're pretty similar but i would say go with the APH. It's an overall, smoother sweeter sounding pickup. With the right eq settings on your amp you should be able to go close to the tones of both bands, classic sounding thing. Yup. Hope this helps!
one of the best Epi Les Paul i've played was the Boneyard which came with genuine bursbuckers as default pickups. i did a review of it in Gear News 2004, maybe you can read about it there... 8)

whhooot !! LP LP... actually what;s so nice about les paul.. its like everybody is talking about them.. i only know they have a heavy weight and have very good sustains.. other than tt.. i dunt find them really different from other guitars.
Haha. Good wad. Design/Colour nice, sweet. Anyway, my idols use LP mah. Heh... To me an LP looks better than a strat sia.
it boils down to personal preferences- some like the LP, some don't... same goes for strats & whatever's out there. if there is one dominant model, theoretically, the rest of the brand names would not have existed because everyone would be playing that guitar & discarding the rest.
^^^ woot. i agree with u subversion. The LP is my personal preference. =p Anw, wondering if a combination of a SD-APH and SD '59 would be a good choice. Which one for bridge and neck? Thx for all ur advice guys!
Given the two i'd say go with the APH in the neck. It's really nice there. And the 59 for the bridge :D
the AIIP in the neck & '59 in the bridge is the classic Slash combo. regardless if you are a Slash fan or otherwise, the AIIP sounds very sweet in the neck, i have it in my Ibanez SZ320 & it sings 8)
penta-tonic said:
buying the same rig as page or slash wont make u sound like them unless uve got their fingers as well. :wink:

ditto. that's the wrong thing to do but that's what the manufacturers are hoping for- fans buying products on impulse :roll:

*leans over the counter and says: could i have a set of jason beckers digits? how much would that cost?

if only it were possible. :D