need help in pedal planning


New member
Hi peeps, basically i just sold my Pod and is about to start a journey in the analogue world.

One thing i wanna ask is that how to plan a nice rig. basically i have these pedal now, fulldrive2, ds2, echopark, ch-1 and might be getting a wah soon. So how should i place them in order, and also how shld i power them up? i heard about stuff like using 1 spot? but some of my freinds said it ain't good. So any other alternative? pls advice, cheeros ;)
baoie said:
i heard about stuff like using 1 spot? but some of my freinds said it ain't good.

no offence dude, but if i were you i'd stop listening to my friends' advice. the 1spot is a excellent option for your power supply needs! its affordable plus its got heaps of power, and its voltage variable... all in a package that's smaller than your regular 9V wall-wart!

the catch is, for your setup you'll require a seperate adaptor for your echopark. line6 pedals are notorious for not being able to share power supply with other pedals, the result you'll get is a whole lot of humming and buzzing coming from your pedal.

btw nice setup of pedals :) i'd order them in this way: fulldrive (primary OD) > DS-2 (lead boost) > CH-1 > echopark. i'd slot in the wah after distortion, but you may want to experiment with the pre and post distortion positions. you get significantly different results. some like post, most like pre. its up to you.
milkmesto said:
i'd order them in this way: fulldrive (primary OD) > DS-2 (lead boost) > CH-1 > echopark.

i'd place them :
fulldrive > Wah > DS-2 > echopark > CH-1

i like my wah after the od, for that "growl".
also i find that putting the chorus after the delay gives me more depth and control.
i like the wah before OD, more subtle 8)

personal preference though. i fidn wah after OD very sharp and piercing and not warm not vintage, kinda, loud and too much gain. and i'm using JD 535Q wah
hey thanks for ur advice guys ;)

I today spend like 500 on these few stuff
echo park 205,
beringher hellwah 75,
korg stomp tuner 100,
2nd hand hardcase for pedal 80,
1 spot adpator and daisy chain 50.

milk, ur right, the 1 spot is good. silent too.
And it works well with my echo park too. bernard from citymusic actually use that to power up his rig. And when i went to g77, beez himself tested the 1spot to see if it's compatible. and it's 100% no hiss now. perhaps line 6 have finally ratify the problem of difference in voltage.

so now, i put the following in this order
wah> tuner >fulldrive >ds2 ultra> ch1>echopark.

what u guys think of this? neway i tot normally u place the wah in front of everything else, cuz it's the most dynamic one?

and that say i wan to boost my signal with my ds2, can i like put it right before the amp, like after delay for the overall boost of the signal? what u guys think?
baoie said:
neway i tot normally u place the wah in front of everything else, cuz it's the most dynamic one?

True ...
most people use put the wah infront,
but i like my wah after my overdrive to give it a more "vocal" quality.
(think Hendrix)

Also ... i use my od as a booster ...
and it serves it fuction just as well, when placed before the wah.
But i agree with you, an od at the end of the signal chain does sound nice.
hey vernplum, i got state the price i bought la, it's 50. very worth it and stable so far. i got to say, beringher wah is very good for it's price's sturdy. great control like 535q. versatile in many sense, and for 75, it's rly cheap. u guys shld head down to luther and try it.
Hahaha ~!
so shiok rite ?
the 2 of them together ...
it's like a must for me...
if i enter G77 or Luther ... i definately have to go into the other ...~