Need help in choice of guitar.


New member
Hi guys, really kind of lost in choosing my choice of guitar. I have round down to these 3 guitars so maybe you guys could give me a round-down on ´em.

1. PRS Santana SE

2. PRS Tremonti SE

3. Epiphone Les Paul Standard/Goldtop ´56

I really do hope you guys have a rough price guide to the guitars. Personally, I prefer the PRS Tremonti SE, but wonder if it is better than either the Santana SE or the LP. Well, my thanks, in advance.
realistically, there´s no such thing as ´this guitar is better than that´. it´s just a matter of choice and preference. the Santana on your list is a double cut away, so it compares differently to the epi & Tremonti SE.

Santana SE: if you wish to acquire this guitar because of the Santana vibe- then don´t. it´s a far cry from the real santana model. it´s also whammy equipped, if you don´t whammy, move on to the tremonti/ epi.

epi: good for the asking price. epi did well to equip their models with Gibson humbuckers. comes with hard case. List: $680

Tremonti: a surprisingly good player. i like this one better than the Santana SE. humbuckers react well to high gain settings. List: $880

hey subversion... where do they sell the tremonti guitar? and also where did u c the epi with hardcase for $680.. i am assuming that is SGD´s

thanks for the info!!
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The PRS can be bought at Davis´s. The Epi is probably at Swee Lee...Juz wondering...Subversion since you bought lots of guitars from Swee Lee
Are you sure the prices that you mentioned are for us?


Is the PRS single cut´s (of which the Tremonti is based on) body as thick as an LP´s? I haven´t auditioned one before. But I have tried Hamers before and the thinner body really made a difference. Tone´s somehow less "fat". To me, it just means that I don´t like using the Hamer for rhythm and use it more for lead. Wonder if it´s the same for PRS guitars.

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On 2003-04-22 20:18, Lifehouse wrote:

Thanks! Think I´ll move to the Tremonti. Suits me more than the LP.

the tremonti & all Prs solid bodies for that matter, has a thinner body than a typical epi/ gibson LP. IMO this contributes to the clarity in tone. the tremonti can be purchased @ Davis...

the prices quoted here are list price, ie. it´s pre tax/ disct. (all in SGD$)i tried those epis a while back @ swee lee, i must say they played great. i do not know if the hard case offer still stands...

<font size=-1>[ Edited by subversion On Date _MONTHDATETIME ]</font>

Is the PRS single cut´s (of which the Tremonti is based on) body as thick as an LP´s? I haven´t auditioned one before. But I have tried Hamers before and the thinner body really made a difference. Tone´s somehow less "fat". To me, it just means that I don´t like using the Hamer for rhythm and use it more for lead. Wonder if it´s the same for PRS guitars.

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On 2003-04-22 20:18, Lifehouse wrote:

Thanks! Think I´ll move to the Tremonti. Suits me more than the LP.


So far I went to do some research online. Here´s what I yield. I think it is lighter than the PRS Tremonti (yar.. the more ex one for the l337).


It is also thinner than a LP, think about 46mm. It doesn´t have the new PRS locking tuners. The humbuckers are korean. What I´ll say is that it perhaps need a change of pickups to the Tremonti Treble and Bass to sound more like the real thing.


i haven´t get this thing yet. Hopefully in 2 weeks to 1 months time. But so far the price is $850 at Davis. $100 cheaper than the Santana SE.
IMO there´s only a downside to it all if the LP is your benchmark to the tone you wish to acquire.

i hold the PRS design & tone in its own regard, it´s not meant to be a LP. don´t get me wrong, i have nothing against Gibson, i own one.
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If ya lookin for that Fat A$$ MuthaF**kin tone...than you can only get it with a Gibson. Nothing else...I´ve heard that PRS have slightly thinner tone than a Gibson...but I´ve not tried a PRS so I can´t really comment...

what PRS offers tone-wise is a more defined low end & an enhanced mid-range. i have my utmost respect for PRS for his tone philosophy- he wants the notes from his guitars heard.

having own both guitars, it is noted that the single note definition from the LP is rather poor, especially the low freq. this is especially excruciating when you activate the neck pickup, it´s mud
on the contrary, power chords sound much thicker/ fuller on the LP, hence reinforcing my opinion that the LP needs fine tuning when it comes to single notes.

it then boils down to your preference & playing style. i don´t play much power chords, i therefore embrace the PRS more readily. hats off to the LP Classic for having very clear, high output humbuckers, it´s probably the only LP i will invest in time to come.
Hello !

Subversion, are you refering to Gibsons or Epiphones LP Classic?

I thought the only difference in Classic models were less bindings and sorta cheaper then the Standard?
Aren´t Classic model Pick-ups similar to other LP model pick-ups?

Thanks for the clearification

hey subversion! been looking at this thread... would be great if you could answer dawn´s questions coz i have the same questions

thanks a million!!!
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I´m pretty sure that Subversion´s refering to Gibson Les Paul Classic...

I think the LP Classic is more ex than the Standard.

Classic uses 469/500...this set of pickups are slightly higher output than the usual 490/498

The 469/500 are targeted more for hard rock...wheas the 490/498 is more of a classic tone...not sure how they compare to the new burstbuckers though.

Thanks beast!

Ooh yeah dawn.. les pauls a classic beauty.. no matter what i do it just draws me bak with its hypnotic powers....

<font size=-1>[ Edited by Lithium On Date _MONTHDATETIME ]</font>
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Me is a Gibson Luva... I luv Gibson Les Pauls...unfortunately I dun have the money to buy lots of them but life has been good to the chance to played serveral different Gibsons....1980 Reissue...Custom...Studio...Nitehawk...SG


sorry for the delayed reply. i am definitely refering to Gibsons, i´m not impressed by any epis to date simply because they aren´t faithful reproductions of the gibson version. it may say ´Epi LP Classic´ but it does not have the correct neck profile & humbuckers, so why bother...

the LP classic is a wonderful player like i mentioned previously. ditto Beast- this guitar is equipped with higher output, uncovered humbuckers, namely the 500T & 496R. these give off very clear tones. the neck is also of a tapered, slim profile so it´ll make speed mongers like me, happy

oh, i just tried the LP Studio Smartwood yesterday, here´s a quick take:

*not as back-breaking as its other siblings- it´s not a maple top, that´s the reason...

*more midrange- this i like...

*still that low, undefined mud on the lower freq, very bad upon neck humbucker activation. i blame it on those typical LP humbuckers- 498T & 490R...

i have some other ´reviews´ in the gear news section...
What´s up?

What´s the listed price for the LP Studio Smartwood? 2k? I really like natural colored guitars.

Are this the new batches of Gibson? Actually if I´m gonna be getting a new Gibson...I would be thinking of geting the 60´s neck as oppsed to the 59 neck.

So no RR for you?
