NeeD Help FOr mY futuRE...........


New member
Hey Guys i just remember tat tis is a forum for music. So i wonder.........wat course should i take n which poly n wats e requirement.........if i wanna learn more bout music like rock or maybe punk. I dun wan to learn all those trmbone maybe u guys could giv me advice or mayb i should go to course like bio........maths n science......????
I'll give you a down to earth and reality check reply. Do something that is either science, business or engineering. You won't regret it. At least you have something to fall back on next time if music aint working out for you.

honestly i feel that studying music as a full time career is a waste (no offence)

get into a good course that can get you a stable job, a high income then u can take up music as a secondary career. coz u cannot get much out of music(that too in Sinagpore where the scene is so small)

just my advice to you...just dont make a wrong decision now and suffer later
rock on

Yes yes, listen to them and follow the motion. Be a slave to the system, get a so called good job and earn money. After which make sure you go do some side diploma in music or something. Keep upgrading yourself, neva hurts to learn more stuff. In SG, being a musician in def a 'night job'. You NEED a stable day job also.
yea, please go get ur 9-6 job. DONT FIGHT WITH ME OVER MY MUSIC JOB :twisted: . seriously dude , wads ur passion in life, ask urself. chase that passion, heck the down to earth kinda thing , they most probably wont be happy with their lives. Ok, im stereotyping here, if ur family really needs u to get a stable job, then u should get down to earth. if u really have a passion in something, go for it and ignore the harsh words.
yeah,just do what you really want
if you follow other people oppinion,you might regret it in the future,like 'aww...should've not listen to those bastards,if only i blablabla'
sometimes its thrilling to go through this 'unsure' thing in life....with the risk of starving,sleeping at bus stop and peny-less...
Ya....Only aim music if you plan to study abroad...I also think its good to get a fallback....As much as I like to say 'go straight for music worries' this is real life and Singapore
i am in almost in that kinda dilemma right now...

well you see, my folks want me to go to an american university (im in JC2 right now) next year and do engineering or go into the finance line

I, on the other hand, want very badly to become a pilot in the RSAF and do NS..or even if i fail (hopefully not) i would want to fly comercially coz i have a passion for flying and the youth flying club in singapore wouldnt take me in just coz a PR (bullshit right? only Singaporeans canjoin the SYFC) anyway im pretty screwed now

i wanna follow my passion and be a pilot but my parents say its the same as being a driver in the sky(roflmaowtfbbq) its not like i wanna become a janitor or anything right?
i find myself somewhat very similar to bruce dickinson of Iron Maiden...he is a pilot and is a metalhead..just like me :D
My passion is the arts, visual or fine arts as they call it.

It was my dream to be an artist. Still, due to some constraints, I had to go for engineering. One reason is that, artistry is not that stable, it needs a bit of a gamble.

Now, I am an engineer, though I am not in my homeland, I can afford to buy what I want or perhaps what I need.

I still have the craving for graphics, arts, design and everything linked with it.

So, to cut it short, I got a degree, to help me support what I want.

Its like, "Get what you need, to get what you want"
and remember that "Some times you have to make a step backward to make a gigantic leap forward"

That was a cool quotes isn't it? and its mine, originally... hahaha

Good luck kid.

By the way I am recently in to drumming.... well sort of... I wanted to when I was young, but im pretty occupied with arts and stuff...
Why don't you aim to be a politician of a very rich and largely populated country? You get to start wars, drop nukes, control oil prices, raise the standard of your country's living to increase your profits and all that. It's like a game man, it's so cool. You just have to know how to act, kiss babies and shake hands.

What could be easier than destruction?

Sorry, slightly off topic. Dude, I'm in Lasalle. Doing my foundation year in design, planning to take film as my diploma major and even though the homework is hell alot. I'm enjoying every last minute because I know this is what I want to wake up at 7am in the morning to do. The arts/music line in Singapore might not gurantee you financial stability and such but if you love this, you will enjoy the rest of your lifetime.

I haven't lived that long to tell you if I regretted my choice or not but right now, it feels sure as hell.

Cheers my young padawan friend.
May the force be with you!

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