New member
I would advise you to quit your course, and try out the real world for a year, and maybe save up enough money to study again? If Singapore does not offer the course that you want, you can always look at studying abroad for a crash course/short course, and come back better skilled, and differentiate yourself from the crowd.
You got to change the mindset that "paper is everything in singapore". I disagree, in fact, your portfolio is everything in the real world. Most employers don't even give a dam about looking at your degree nowadays, for interviews, they want to see what you have done, where have you worked, what are your industry experiences. Your performance and social skills are more important, and most importantly, who you know.
I do have a degree, but I have never used it. the ironic thing is that, if i had known I would be an entrepreneur, i would have dropped pursuing my degree, and started writing earlier? and be happier as a result? but i was so caught up with the materialistic world of 5Cs to ignore my real passion which is writing. So now i a full time writer, and part time entrepreneur. no regrets, because I have the best of both worlds. But its fcking hard work, that is all i have to say, and good luck in your decision
You got to change the mindset that "paper is everything in singapore". I disagree, in fact, your portfolio is everything in the real world. Most employers don't even give a dam about looking at your degree nowadays, for interviews, they want to see what you have done, where have you worked, what are your industry experiences. Your performance and social skills are more important, and most importantly, who you know.
I do have a degree, but I have never used it. the ironic thing is that, if i had known I would be an entrepreneur, i would have dropped pursuing my degree, and started writing earlier? and be happier as a result? but i was so caught up with the materialistic world of 5Cs to ignore my real passion which is writing. So now i a full time writer, and part time entrepreneur. no regrets, because I have the best of both worlds. But its fcking hard work, that is all i have to say, and good luck in your decision