need help for a professonal profilling project..


New member
hey guys.
i'm currently doing a professional profilling which is my school project in my school at Republic Polytechnic and i'm currently taking a Diploma in Sonic arts.
In my professional Profilling i'm trying to find out how Music/recording Industries in Sngapore deal and overcome with the rising problem of piracy this days. so if there is anyone who works in a music/recording industry or have knowledge of overcoming piracy could you plese give me information or feedback about this so as i can get started on my PP..

thanks and best regards:)
haha, there is no way to overcome piracy .. maybe next time, but i doubt it can happen now.. people will just keep finding ways to rip off songs, but some of the ways i see on myspace are like not putting up the full song but only around 3/4 of it, and not putting up all the songs, if they want to listen to the rest of the songs, they have to buy the album.
haha PP SUCKS SIA!!! lucky i finished mine. now waiting for the bloody advisor to read thru the whole thing