need an amp


New member
hey there. i need an amp for heavy rock/metal. been planning to get an above average one which will last me quite a while. will be for home use but i'd prefer it to be loud. budget's around 1k. any suggestions?
try a Peavey Special 212 (2x12, 100W)

good clean tone, great modern distortion. the 12" Sheffield speakers give good bass response
it's about 1.2k at sweelee. they have the Special 212 as well as other models at the bras basah showroom.
i'm refering to this one in particular:

For your budget, and your purpose (home use). You can practically get most suitable solid state amps within your budget, with cash to spare.

Home use, 1X12" models is more than sufficent. And can get you into trouble if you crank up the volume. Better range brand models within your budget:

Peavey Bandit, Marshall AVT, Crate, Kustom, Line6, Randall, Fender, Yamaha DG, VOX, Ibanez.....are all familiar brands on local market.

Again, you must try out for yourself, do not take other people word for word. Different brand produces different sounding tone and drive. Only when you try then you can tell which one is your cup.

If you are looking for full tube ones, you need to up your budget to about $1.5K or above.

Happy hunting.
mikemann said:
If you are looking for full tube ones, you need to up your budget to about $1.5K or above.

Happy hunting.

he, he, unless you're too attracted to the Ibanez Valbee, which isn't even $300...

I dont really like the randall amps..I guess its ok for metal...but I always found the sound kinda thin....and someone demoed it at sweelee....and there was a definitive buzz.....not sure if it was from the pickup...or the amp or the cable.....Im guessin it was a bad cable...but nevertheless.....

Another option for amps....the fendre pro amp....around 700$ at guitar gallery...ofcourse...its not partiularly for metal...but get some nice distortions and it should be all good.... :D
thin sounding Randalls- it's all a matter of setup. i used to ignore them @ swee lee but after plugging in several guitars in there, i'd say they are good for the money. of course, if you're not a convert after hearing things in person- do walk way... 8)
subversion said:
he, he, unless you're too attracted to the Ibanez Valbee, which isn't even $300...

Yeah, it's a personal preference. But you pay for what you get, the limitation between a $300 amp and a >$1K amp is pretty obvious.
yep personal preference after all;)....

Dimebag used to use a bassman along with two guitar amps to add the....DIMENESS :D
subversion said:
thin sounding Randalls- it's all a matter of setup. i used to ignore them @ swee lee but after plugging in several guitars in there, i'd say they are good for the money. of course, if you're not a convert after hearing things in person- do walk way... 8)

i think i tried this once too... its the one by the side of the counter right?

i agree with bluepowder that it sounds thin for a 2x12.
ooh a fender (: haha but kinda dumb cause i use a gibson sg with emgs. recommend a marshall, anyone?
the old jcm800 or jcm900 combos if you can find one. the new dsl tsl ones are kinda crap.

i tink someone was selling one a while ago.