Need Advise: New Gibson LP Studio 50's wrong pups?

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New member
I am puzzled and I need some advise.

2 weeks a go I bought my son a Gibson LP Studio 50's . When I passed by the new SweeLee a few days later, I popped in to see that same model was sold there but I was wondering as the colour of the guitar was somehow different, mine's abit darker/browner, so I tot it could be different batch of finish.

I had the pups replaced to bareknuckle pups, and put the pups on sale here at (refer to my eariier sales thread). Today, I was informed by the buyer that the pick ups were actually not as said: 490R/498T. This was the buyer remarks: " ... both pick ups arde trebble pups, I took off the sticker of the 490R and it says "T". I checked the resistance and they didnt match. 490R reads 8.1k, it should be 7.2-7.8k. the 498t read 14.4K it should be 12.3-13.5k. the labels fell off easily, are you sure you are not getting the wrong pups?..."

My question are:

  1. What does it mean by “treble/ T” pups?
  2. Are the readings above correct for 498T/490R?
  3. Could it be any possibility that the guitar might carry different pups?

I am seriously disappointed with the purchase especially when it comes from a reputable shop. Well… lesson learnt….

Thank you for advise. regards
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Let's not be too hasty making conclusions. BGW is definitely not one to knowingly sell something as another.

In fact, I'd say it goes down to your buyer having no idea how pickups work.

Typically your bridge pickup resistance will read more than the neck pickup yes? Here the bridge pickup reads 14.4k and the neck pickup reads 8.1k. Your buyer seems to have the idea that pickups will always match about the same resistance across the board. Well, doesn't happen, there's always a variance. And the variances here aren't exactly very great either. The original PAFs had a whole slew of different resistance readings, so do some modern replicas.

As for the stickers, it could just have been labelled wrongly at first and subsequently relabelled.

I can't vouch for Gibson's quality control, but I have had dealings with BGW and can for sure say that they will not replace the pickups in the LP you bought.

Which brings us to the next point. If the pickups were truly the wrong model, I don't think BGW can be blamed for that. Shops don't exactly take apart every guitar they bring in and ensure that the pickups are as stated or test the woods to ensure that mahogany is mahogany. Moreover, it appears that this hasn't even been brought to their attention. Doesn't hurt to clarify with them before posting a thread expressing disappointment with a reputable shop.
Let's not be too hasty making conclusions. BGW is definitely not one to knowingly sell something as another. ...

I can't vouch for Gibson's quality control, but I have had dealings with BGW and can for sure say that they will not replace the pickups in the LP you bought.

Which brings us to the next point. If the pickups were truly the wrong model, I don't think BGW can be blamed for that. Shops don't exactly take apart every guitar they bring in and ensure that the pickups are as stated or test the woods to ensure that mahogany is mahogany. Moreover, it appears that this hasn't even been brought to their attention. Doesn't hurt to clarify with them before posting a thread expressing disappointment with a reputable shop.

I am not making conclusion I was asking question but your reply still doesnt answer my questions...

My questions are were:

  1. What does it mean by “treble/ T” pups?
  2. Could it be any possibility that the guitar might carry different pups?

and this thread is certainly not about a guitar shop, and your satisfaction with them certainly based ur previous purchase experience... yes, this is my first purchase with the shop and too bad I didnt feel the same experience... and I am merely asking about the guitar.

I feel that your reply is too hasty jumping on the defence of the shop… Well if you wanna talk abt the shop, I wasn’t the lucky one to share the good experience… how did you conclude that it “appeared” I had not sought the shop attention? After the purchase I was not given the receipt, when I found no receipt in the guitar bag I called and its ony 4 days later I got the invoice send. When the buyer complained, I sms them and the answer was only the link to gibson website.

I don’t know who Brandon is, (or do I have to know him to get good service), I am just a customer, and the reason I got to know abt the shop is thru the many favorable comment the shop received. Now, I am just stating facts from my purchase experience from a legally operated shop. If you think my thread somehow expressing disappointment with a reputable shop…. Is wrong than I hereby apologize to the shop for my bad purchase experience…

So getting back to the thread, my questions are were:

  1. What does it mean by “treble/ T” pups?
  2. Could it be any possibility that the guitar might carry different pups?

Thank you n regards
Hey bro at least he's trying to help you out! Treble means the bridge pup, rhythm is neck. These pups are being mass produced, so I wouldn't expect them to fit directly in that range, as long as it's more
Or less there.

Shame you dont know who brendon is, he owns Bgw and most of swee lee now, lol
Then, why is the gibson have 2 "T" s, so it was a mistake... thats why I meant....

Ian, I don hv to be a shame not knowing who brandon is.... or do I? and I have no plan in the future neither... but thanks for your input.
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As I said, they could simply have been relabelled at the Gibson factory. The resistance readings appear to be more or less correct for the pickup models.

Yes, it is possible that Gibson screwed up and put the wrong pickups in. The level of possibility no one knows, but it's always possible for them to make mistakes at the factory.

Also, it "appeared" that you have not contacted the shop because you did not mention that you had contacted the shop.
Aaaah okay... now i get it :)

I feel that you are most probably ryte abt d possibility gibson's screwed up.... dats logical explanation...
I should have bought used guitar from 2nd hand guitar shop.... at least I know they would check before they bought it in...

Thanks for info......
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I am puzzled and I need some advise.

2 weeks a go I bought my son a Gibson LP Studio 50's . When I passed by the new SweeLee a few days later, I popped in to see that same model was sold there but I was wondering as the colour of the guitar was somehow different, mine's abit darker/browner, so I tot it could be different batch of finish.

finishes differ - end of story
I am seriously disappointed with the purchase especially when it comes from a reputable shop. Well… lesson learnt….

I actually find this offensive to brendon, damn he still sends me Christmas cards.

lesson learnt my ass

I should have bought used guitar from 2nd hand guitar shop.... at least I know they would check before they bought it in...

damn this is such an ignorant and stupid statement to make, seriously dude..
Dear lady-in-tears,

Your comment based on your personal relations with Brandon. You wouldnt say "my ass" if this happens to your son. I brought this up as my son was made to feel that he had "cheated" the pups buyer. I am not in Singapore now, and cant be with him, I can only advised him to give full refund.

My relation with Brandon, strictly buyer vs seller... all i need from him is just a proper purchase, not discount nor some cards. Brandon already contacted me, he has arranged d replacement of the neck pups and I will give him mine so he can follow up with Gibson. Brandon is a businesman like myself, he knows if this happen to my purchase this could have happen to his other buyer.

You may call out "stupid", "ignorant" or "Ass" whatsoever.... but at the end of the day is my money! and its my son's rights if he wanna buy from any other guitar shop... because it was a new guitar that BGW would have never been able to check the guitar thoroughly... but 2nd guitar shop will surely conduct a thorough check prior to purchasing a used guitar from an individual... even if I am stupid (probably yes, i donnow nuts abt guitar) but David, Kevin and Clement aren't.....

The whole thread now turns to "Me againts Brandon..." and only MERO and 17WILL offerred the relevant advise that i sought...
I am "Stupid" (about guitar) otherwise i would not seek advise @soft... like any other father... I could be stupid but I will make sure my son wont grow up stupid like myself... lesson learnt indeed... for a 14th years old.

If its about a christmas card... I can put you on my cafe mailing list too...

"Harist13" is real... my son is harist and when we started at soft when he was 13th... not some avatar/icon. If I just wanna shoot some reputable shop... i wouldn't be so stupid to use this i.d.

Anyway... it has been a bad experience for my son (we share this id) please dont make it worse, if you need to persecute me just sms me at 98307389....

Thank you...
I guess when it comes to pickups, measure the output before putting them up for sale. Not only can potential buyers match the readings with ones displayed on the official pickup website (Seymour Duncan, Dimarzio etc), he can also tell whether the pickup is working or not. If the output is too low, there is probably a broken coil or something in the pickup. Although uncommon, it is possible.

However, you got to agree that Gibson pickups can be very confusing. They don't label them specifically. Just throw in a bunch of pat nos. Sometimes even I get confused. Tokai Love rock guitars are worse, their stock pickups look like cheap OEM humbuckers. they have nothing on the pickup that states that they are original. The only way to tell whether they are original is to see whether the wiring of the pots have been tampered with.

In any case, it's good that harist13 has done the right thing and settled it with the shop. I think it's a good thing that this transaction was dealt between him and a shop. Shops do have a reputation to maintain & that is very important if you are keen on doing business in the long run.

If the same thing happened between a deal between 2 members of this forums, things might get even more complicated won't you guys agree?
Dear lady-in-tears,

Your comment based on your personal relations with Brandon. You wouldnt say "my ass" if this happens to your son. I brought this up as my son was made to feel that he had "cheated" the pups buyer. I am not in Singapore now, and cant be with him, I can only advised him to give full refund.

I feel you, Bro.. Request the moderator to close your thread as (I think you've solved your queries) "THEY" will just go on and on...

Maybe will get discount or something on their next purchase.. :p

Take care...
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a simple frustration shared here ended up being a potential persecution episode? maybe this is why people are not too keen with SOFT these days? pfffttt.

i believe that this won't happen if the discussion wasn't too affected by unhappiness but i've read the initial post & believe it was presented fairly. however, we note that people become unhappy when the crux of the problem was attributed to the shop instead of the manufacturer:

QUOTE: I am seriously disappointed with the purchase especially when it comes from a reputable shop. Well… lesson learnt….

it's Gibson's fault for sure. the thing with Brandon is, most of the time he'll take ownership of the problem instead of making us wait & hear what the manufacturer has to say. kudos to him for going beyond the businessman capacity.


i own the Tribute 50s humbucking model, by the way...
a simple frustration shared here ended up being a potential persecution episode? maybe this is why people are not too keen with SOFT these days? pfffttt.

+1 to this. Sad that it has become so bitchy
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Woah...all the hostility. Relax guys, someone slamming your fave store shouldn't hurt you that bad. Go get those PETA bastards that are slamming McDonald's and all your favourite fast food joints.
nobody is slamming anybody else, that's how it is (at least that's the way i see it)- it got out of hand. here's hoping that we see this as something unworthy in terms of our acquaintances here. we hardly know one another & we're doing this to ourselves when we know it's more productive to offer constructive takes rather than telling people off. i feel that people get provoked easily in faceless conversations & are more moved to retaliate- not worth it IMO.
@Angel, Thanks for advice I will close this thread....

@Subversion, cool as matter of facts my son saw your blog and decided to change the pick ups and pots... abouth the guitar my son never regrets in buying it....

My son decided to go for the Gibson after he stumbled upon it when browsing thru BGW website... which he learnt from another thread "BGW Guitars" where many praises and tributes were expressed by members. and due to his change of mind, i have to apologize to softies whose LP was his initial interests...

Thank you... I am meeting the buyer on Monday to refund him, and awaiting for Brandon's promise of the neck pup replacement and so he will follow up with gibson with the wrong pup that we got...


Note to Admin/Moderator: Please assist in closing the thread... thank you
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